𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟤𝟩: 𝖺𝗇𝗌𝗐𝖾𝗋𝗌

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*March 1998*

Weeks have gone by and everyday was once again, the same. Draco had actually started taking Dreamless Sleep Potion to get some sleep and it was helping him a ton.

It was the weekend and Reyna was supposed to go back home because her father had demanded it.

She and Draco were supposed to go back actually.

She woke up in Draco's bed to see he wasn't in bed. She looked to see if the two other boys were still sleeping, they were.

She sat up and stretched, scanning the room drowsily. Draco soon walked out of the bathroom in nothing, but his dress pants.

"Why'd you wake up so early?" she asked, getting up from the bed.

"I couldn't sleep," he shrugged, approaching her. He wrapped his arms around her, pressing an ardent kiss on her head.

"Did you take the potion last night?" she questioned.

"I didn't want to," he shook his head.

She let out a small sigh, before flashing a small smile. "Alright- well, I need to go pack my stuff. I'll come back when I'm done," she said, going on her tip-toes to press a kiss on his lips.

"Mhm," he kissed her lips before planting a kiss on her forehead.

She put on her pants and a sweater before walking out of the room. She went to her dorm and took a quick shower. She brushed her teeth and packed some of her things. She put on black jeans and a long sleeve fitted top.

She put on some vanilla chapstick before grabbing her trunk and walking back to Draco's dorm. She walked in to see all the boys were now awake. "This is fucking annoying- I don't even see you anymore," Theo groaned.

"I know and I'm sorry for that, but I swear to fucking Merlin- I will get answers today when I go back. I'm not coming back without my answers," Reyna walked up to Theo and pulled him in for an embrace.

She missed spending the days with her best friend.

She missed it just as much as he did, but she had no choice, but to obey her father's orders.

"Don't do anything stupid, sweetheart," he sighed.

"No promises," she smiled.

"I feel like no matter how many times I say it, you're still not going to listen," he chuckled as he shook his head.

"You're right," she laughed.

"Be safe, I mean it," he said sternly.

"Always," she nodded and they hugged.

They said their goodbyes before she grabbed Draco's hand and they apparated to her Manor, they ended up in her foyer.

"Mum? I'm home," Reyna called out, walking into the kitchen.

"Oh- hi, dear," Aurora greeted, pulling her daughter in for an embrace.

"Hi, mum," Reyna kissed her mum's cheek.

"Hi, Mrs. Riddle," Draco greeted from behind Reyna.

"Hi, Draco, dear- but please, I encourage you to call me Aurora" Aurora pulled him in for a hug.

"Will do, Aurora," Draco smiled charmingly, correcting himself.

"Your father's coming tomorrow and there's a meeting at the Malfoy's, as usual," Aurora stated, putting the kettle on for tea.

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