𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟩: 𝗉𝗈𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗁

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*October 1997*

    It was now the middle of the month of Halloween. After the incident with Reyna's vision, Theo has not left her side for not even a second.

Reyna woke up and got ready for school. She put on vanilla chapstick and gathered her school things. She walked down to the common room to meet up with the three boys.

They then all walked to the Great Hall and took a seat in their usual spots.

"There's a Halloween party in the Room of Requirement on the day of," Blaise mentioned.

"What costume do you plan on wearing?" Theo questioned.

"I'll have one girl on one side and another on my other side- boom- best costume ever," Blaise grinned smugly.

"Theo, don't tell me you're actually going to wear a costume," Draco chuckled.

"I'm not going to wear a kid's costume, you bloody git. I might just wear a mask or something," Theo shrugged.

"What about you, gorgeous?" Blaise looked over at her.

"What about me?" she questioned as she poked at her food.

"Sweetheart, eat- now," Theo demanded in a firm tone. She put a strawberry in her mouth and ate it.

"Are you wearing a costume for the party?" Blaise questioned.

"That's a secret, you'll just have to wait," she grinned.

"But the party isn't for another week," Draco scoffed.

"Then, wait another week," she shrugged.

"Rey, eat four more strawberries and finish your glass of water," Theo's tone was hard.

"Alright- dad," she said sarcastically.

"Call me daddy, you won't," he smirked and she backhanded his arm.

"I'll call you daddy, daddy Theo," Blaise winked at him.

"Getting me all flustered," Theo said shyly.

"Let's go, you weirdos," Draco chuckled as they got up and walked to class. Right as they took a seat, Theo spoke.

"Fuck- Rey, come on," he pulled her from her seat.

"What- where?" she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"I have a boner, come," he dragged her out of the room.

"Morning wood," she snorted as she allowed him to drag her to his dorm.

"The other girls wouldn't be willing to help me with my issue this early in the morning, so you're going to help me," he grinned as he closed the door and began to remove his clothes.

"Mm, how charming," she said sarcastically as she removed her clothes. They tossed their clothes on the floor and she laid on his bed.

"Silence the door," she demanded and he obliged. She laid on the bed and he crawled to her, hovering over her. He opened her legs and lined himself up at her entrance.

"Are you alright with this?" he asked.

"Of course, I am," she nodded as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He slammed himself into her, making her moan out loud as a groan slipped from his lips.

"Fuck," he cursed as he picked up the pace. Their lips met, kissing aggressively as he pounded into her. She thrusted her tongue in his mouth, taking control and he let her for a few moments before he fought for dominance with his tongue.

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