𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟥𝟢: 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗇𝖾𝖼𝗍𝖾𝖽

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*April 1998*

    A couple of weeks have gone by and the cabinet task was still dropped. Reyna was unable to figure out what her father's improved plan is, but she noticed he's becoming more reckless.

She overheard her father talking with some Death Eaters and they stated that the war was taking place sometime in May, which is only a few weeks away.

The closer the war is getting, the more reckless her father's becoming, and she noticed it immediately.

He got reckless because all he cares about is the power he was going to get once he wins the war.

If he wins the war.

She also noticed the Golden Trio were being discreet about something. Reyna saw right through them, they were trying to find a way to stop Voldemort.

She also saw them sneaking in and out of the Room of Requirements. She knew Harry was teaching them stuff about defending themselves since they kind of latched on that the war was coming.

She still had yet to figure out how she was going to stop her father.

Kill her father.

But she knew she was going to stop him.

Kill him.

Even if she dies in the process.

She still had no clue why she got visions of her father, but she was going to find out. No matter what.

Reyna woke up in Draco's bed, she spent the night in their dorm. One side of her face was buried in the pillow, one arm underneath the pillow whilst the other was by her side. With her free arm, her fingers were entwined with Draco's as his head rested on her back.

She was woken up by movement, he was crawling up to her. He planted kisses up her arm to her neck and she abruptly shoved him on first instinct.

A loud thud.

He fell off the bed.

"Fucks sake- Reyna," Draco groaned.

"Don't fucking do that when I'm sleeping," she spat, keeping her face buried in the pillow as she pulled the blankets over herself.

He stood from the floor, dropping himself on top of her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, his chin resting on the curve of her neck.

"You don't love me," he mumbled.

"I never said that," she spoke, her voice was muffled in the pillow.

"Yes, you did," he muttered.

"When did I say that, hm?" she questioned.

"Just now," he stated.

"I love you, Draco," she lifted her head from the pillow, kissing his cheek before dropping her head back into the pillow.

"I love you," he smiled a small, approving chuckle leaving his lips as his grip tightening around her.

She adores how much of a baby he can be sometimes. She loves how easily pleased he gets when those three words slip from her mouth.

She rolled over and her shoulder moved up, smashing his chin. His bottom teeth clashed with his top teeth, making him hiss.

"Fuck- darling, stop fucking hurting me," he groaned as he sat up, massaging his chin.

"Sorry, sorry," she sat up, cupping his face. She placed a kiss on his cheek before pressing a kiss on his lips.

"Shut up, both of you! It's fucking eight o'clock on a fucking Saturday!" Blaise groaned.

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