𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟤: 𝗈𝖻𝗌𝖾𝗌𝗌𝖾𝖽

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The next morning, Reyna got up to get ready for school. She brushed her teeth and washed her face before putting her uniform on.

She slipped on her button-up shirt, leaving it unbuttoned as she slipped her skirt on. The side zipper for her skirt was stuck in the fabric and she couldn't get it out.

After minutes of trying to fix it, she walked outside of her dorm and stormed to Theo's, only wearing her unbuttoned shirt and skirt. Theo, Draco, and Blaise all shared a dorm.

"THEO!" she banged on the door.

A few moments later, the door opened and Theo stood, shirtless with his school pants on.

"Rey, what the bloody hell are you doing with your fucking shirt opened in the boy's dormitory? Get the fuck in here," he scowled as he pulled her in the room and closed the door.

She got a strong whiff of cologne when she walked in. Their room was clean, it always is. Considering the three of the boys are neat freaks. Seeing the boys half-naked or nothing except their boxers was nothing new to her.

She was always in their dorm, she slept in Theo's bed with him in her fifth year because she had a phase where she was afraid of being alone.

"I need help," she said, pointing at her zipper on her skirt. "It's stuck," she said and he kneeled down to help her.

She saw Draco walk out of their shared bathroom, with nothing but his pants on. Blaise was buttoning his shirt as he was almost done getting dressed.

"Thank you for the nice view on this beautiful morning," Draco smirked at her.

She stuck the middle finger up at him and he laughed.

"You're stupid for running practically naked here, y'know that right?" Theo spat as he tried to fix her skirt.

"But I needed help," she shrugged.

"The fucking boys could've seen you in your bra," he scoffed.

"Draco and Blaise are seeing me in my bra right now," she droned.

"That's different, I trust them," he huffed. "Fuck- sweetheart, take off the skirt, I can't fix it if you're wearing it," Theo spat in frustration.

He got up and grabbed his sweatpants, handing them to her. She slipped off her skirt and put on his sweatpants. She took a seat on the armchair in their room and watched as the two other boys got dressed for school.

She saw Draco stare at her, but when she looked at him, he looked away and walked back into the bathroom.

"Here, I fixed it," Theo said, handing her the skirt. She slipped off his sweatpants and put her skirt back on. "Don't- wait," he rushed and gripped her zipper before she could zip herself. He zipped it up for her.

"In case you fuck it up again," he huffed as he pulled her closer by her opened shirt. He began to button her shirt up, fixing her collar, and kissed her forehead before smiling at her.

"Go finish getting ready," he gestured towards the door.

"Thanks, you're the best," she smiled before walking out of their dorm.

She made her way back to her dorm and finished getting ready. She did her hair and put on vanilla chapstick, she was in no mood for makeup.

She gathered her school things and put her robe on. She slipped on her shoes and grabbed her school stuff before heading down to the common room. She saw the three boys waiting for her by the common room entrance.

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