𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟣𝟣: 𝗌𝗅𝗂𝗉

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A couple of days later, it was now a Saturday, the first Quidditch match of the year.

It would be Slytherin vs Gryffindor.

Reyna got up and got ready for the match. She put on vanilla chapstick and made her way down to the common room.

She stopped in her tracks, in confusion when she saw Blaise standing on the coffee table.

"IT'S THE FIRST MATCH OF THE YEAR!" Blaise roared in excitement.

"Blimey, get the fuck off the table," Draco groaned.

"Who pissed on your parade?" Blaise scoffed, hopping off the table.

Reyna walked to them and Theo greeted her with a kiss on her head.

They all walked to the Great Hall and sat down for breakfast. "Nervous, sweetheart?" Theo chuckled as he bit into an apple.

"I don't know, I feel alright," she shrugged, a slight chuckle slipping from her lips.

"Draco, you better catch the bloody Snitch," Blaise raised an eyebrow.

"I will," Draco smirked.

After breakfast, they all made their way down to the Quidditch pitch. There was a thick layer of snow on the ground, covering all the ground.

A white blanket covering the surface.

They walked to the locker rooms and put their things in their lockers.

"Theo, can you hold this?" Reyna handed out her broom.

He grabbed it and leaned on the lockers, waiting for her. She collected her hair, tying it into a quick ponytail.

"Let's go," Draco nodded at the exit and they all left the locker room. Reyna saw all the students walking up the stands, the stands quickly filling up.

The Gryffindor team was just leaving their locker room.

"Good luck, angel," Fred sent a quick wink before mounting his broom and flying off.

"Have fun," George grinned maliciously, following his twin.

Reyna took a deep breath as she mounted her broom and flew to her position, she was Chaser with Blaise. Her eyes met with Draco's, a sly smirk curling on his lips.

She shifted her eyes to her best friend, who was busy talking off the Beaters on the Gryffindor team, the Weasley twins.

The match began, the Quaffle flew up in the air.

Reyna zoomed to the Quaffle, Blaise following closely behind. The Snitch was sent flying and both team Seekers began to look for it.

Reyna caught the Quaffle, slightly bumping into a Gryffindor Chaser, Ginny Weasley. She flew to the Gryffindor hoops and chucked the Quaffle in an open hoop. It smoothly went in before the Keeper, Ron Weassley, could stop it.

Lee boomed from the announcers box.

The game reset, the Quaffle being thrown into the air. Reyna followed closely behind Blaise as he went after the Quaffle. She saw another Gryffindor Chaser about to shove Blaise.

She quickly slipped between Blaise and the other Chaser, shoving the Gryffindor Chaser away from her teammate. She quickly flew to the hoops, having a clear shot.

"Blaise!" she called for him. He tossed the Quaffle at her and she caught it. She chucked it into an open hoop, making it in once again.

"TEN POINTS SLYTHERIN!" Lee boomed. The game reset, but this time, Ginny caught the Quaffle. Reyna flew closest behind, but was unable to get her hands on the Quaffle.

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