𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟣𝟢: 𝗌𝗇𝗈𝗐𝖿𝗅𝖺𝗄𝖾𝗌

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A few days had passed and Reyna got up to get ready for school. She and Draco have still been acting as their usual self, there's no tension, at least she thought there wasn't any.

She thought it was easy to act normal when he did it. She just had to match his energy whenever he'd say something cruel to her and it was easy for her.

For some reason, on this day she had a bad feeling about something. She didn't know what and she didn't know why. She tried her best to shrug it off because she assumed it was probably nothing.

She put on vanilla chapstick and gathered her school things before going down to the common room.

"Sweetheart, I need chapstick," Theo said as he cupped her face.

"I can get my chapstick-" she spoke, but got cut off by him smooshing his lips into hers, collecting the chapstick on her lips.

He pulled back and rubbed his lips together, smiling. "I could've gotten the chapstick from my dorm," she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Too late," he grinned and they all walked to the Great Hall. They took a seat at their usual spots and ate breakfast.

Reyna grabbed the last green apple before Draco did and he glared at her. "Give that to me," he demanded.

"No," she took a bite out of it.

"I'd still eat it even if you bit it," he scoffed.

"Give it to me," he demanded, standing and reaching over the table

"No" she said, getting up from her seat and bolting out of the Great Hall.

She rushed out and turned her head to see Draco was behind her. On first instinct she ran down the corridor, the apple still in her hand.

She turned her head to see Draco was running, no, he was chasing her.

"Reyna, you fucking witch!" he shouted and it made her laugh as she continued running.

She made a left turn and sprinted down the corridor when she realized he had longer legs and he was faster. She hit a dead end, and she turned fully around to see he was only two feet away from her.

She backed up, her back hitting the wall as she was panting, trying to catch her breath. He walked closer until there was no room for Merlin between them.

He put both hands on either side of her, leaning down, towering over her, his face only centimeters away from hers. His features were sharp, eyes were piercing as they burned into her eyes.

His jaw was clenched as his lips were parted, his hair fell flawlessly down his forehead. She smelt his cologne, the smell filling up her nostrils, intoxicating her lungs.

She got butterflies in her stomach as she held the apple behind her back.

"Where's that apple?" he broke the silence, his minty breath fanning against her lips.

"All this commotion for an apple?" she raised an eyebrow.

"I love my apples," he smirked slyly.

She took it from behind her back and handed it to him. He took the apple in his hands, holding it close to her mouth.

"Bite," he demanded and she obliged.

She bit, holding the apple in her mouth as he leaned in, biting the other side. She took her bite and he took his before holding the apple in his hand.

"Let's go," he began walking down the corridor, tossing the apple in the air, catching it in his hand.

She blinked, frozen, trying to process what just happened.

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