𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟫: 𝗉𝗂𝗅𝗅

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*November 1997*

    Reyna woke up the next morning in Draco's arms as their naked bodies were entangled. They hadn't fallen asleep even touching each other, but they woke up entangled.

Her eyes widened at the realization of what happened the night before, they were still both practically naked under the blankets.

Her legs felt numb, they felt sore.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," she muttered as she shot up from the bed, covering herself with the blankets.

"Draco, wake up," she smacked his chest.

"Huh? What?" he droned drowsily, his voice was heavy with sleep.

"Put your clothes on," she demanded as she shifted away from him.

"Why?" he questioned confusedly.

"Because this was just a one-time thing, right?" she raised an eyebrow. "Just a one-night stand sort of thing," she muttered.

"Hm, just a one-night stand sort of thing," he nodded, looking away from her as rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek and got up from the bed.

He got dressed in silence as she sat on the bed, covering herself with the blanket. After he finished dressing himself, he grabbed another plastic bag from his pants pockets and walked up to her. In the plastic bag was a small white pill.

He dumped the pill in the palm of his hand and looked at her. "Open," He demanded.

"What is it?" she questioned.

"I came inside of you, it's the pill," he said flatly. She opened her mouth and he placed the pill on her tongue.

"Swallow," he demanded and she did.

He left the dorm without another word.

She fell back on the bed, sighing heavily as she drowned in her thoughts. She hoped Draco wouldn't tell anyone what they did, for some reason, she didn't want people to know.

She wasn't ashamed, she just didn't want people to know. It's not like it's anyone else's business anyway. She didn't want to make this a frequent thing with Draco because she didn't want to be one of those girls who swoon for him.

She knew to her core that if they kept doing this, she'd swoon for him eventually.

She knew it might have meant nothing to Draco since he does this sort of thing with a lot of girls and he's used to it.

Reyna only ever shagged her best friend, Fred, George, and Cedric.

Theo made it easy because it was just how they were with each other, Fred made it easy because they both knew there were no strings attached, Cedric made it easy because he's not here anymore.

She assumed Draco probably shrugged what they did off because he does it a lot, so she decided to just shrug it off.

It was just a one-night-stand sort of thing and nothing else.

She got up from her bed, her legs were sore and numb, she had a limp. She went to the bathroom and hopped in the shower. She washed only her body before drying herself and brushing her teeth.

She washed her face and moisturized before putting on vanilla chapstick. She slipped on her underwear and bra. She slipped on sweatpants and a sweatshirt, not caring about how she looks.

She cleaned up her room a little bit, making her bed. She then walked to Theo's dorm. She knocked on the door and Theo answered.

"Good morning, sweetheart," he greeted, kissing her head.

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