𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟤𝟨: 𝖻𝗋𝗈𝗄𝖾𝗇

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*There is self harm in this chapter. Read with caution*

Days have gone by and every day was the same. Reyna and Draco wake up, go to the Room of Requirements, spend hours trying to fix the cabinet, come back to one of their dorms late, and sleep.

Sometimes they wouldn't even sleep, Reyna slept most of the time, but she knew Draco didn't even get a second of rest.

They skipped all of their classes, Snape would check up on their progress, but it was all the same.

They barely ate, Draco especially. Reyna would have a few pieces of fruit in the morning and that would be all she put into her body for a couple days.

She tried helping Draco eat, he'd eat a little bit, and she was proud he ate even just that much.

She knew that his father was also putting a lot of pressure on him, which wasn't making Draco feel any better.

They barely had the time to make conversation with their friends or anyone, for that matter. They just accompanied each other, they really only spoke to each other nowadays.

Theo and Blaise were understanding, they knew that they had a task to do, so they let them do their thing. Of course, they'd have a few small conversations, checking up on each other, but that's about it.

Her mum wrote to her often, checking up on her and giving her small updates, but the updates literally meant nothing. The updates she gave were irrelevant to Reyna, she didn't give a flying fuck about anything her mum updated her on.

All she wanted was answers and her father's whole plan outline, so she could figure out a way to stop him. There were also now rumours going around that Voldemort was back and that there are Death Eaters in the school.

Everyone of course suspected that Reyna and Draco were just because of their family, they're not wrong though.

She woke up one morning, not at all wanting to get up to go to the Room of Requirements. She woke up with Draco in her arms because for the past few days, he's been having these nightmares.

That's the main reason why he hadn't been sleeping and it broke her heart.

He felt safer in her arms, being in her arms with his arms protectively around her, knowing she was there. His grip around her was always tight, almost as if he was afraid someone was going to take her from him.

"Draco," she called out softly, running her fingers through his hair.

"Hm?" he hummed.

She knew he hadn't been sleeping, he sounded exhausted, but he never slept. "Come on, we need to go," she said, kissing his head.

"Fucks sake- alright," he nodded, letting out a sigh. They both sat up and got up to change.

"Hey- love, look at me," she walked up to him.

He turned to face her and she cupped his face, her thumbs ghosting his under eye bags. His build was becoming more slim, he looked utterly exhausted, stressed, seeing him in this state made her heart ached.

"Everything's going to be alright, I promise," she said softly.

She didn't even believe her own words, but she thought if she kept saying it out loud, she'd eventually believe it.

She still didn't have very many answers and it enraged her.

He nodded slowly before she placed a kiss on his lips. They got ready for school, but they never actually went to their classes. They walked down to the Great Hall to see Theo and Blaise already sitting there.

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