𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟤𝟢: 𝖺𝗆𝗈𝗎𝗋

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Almost three weeks have gone by and Reyna was finally going back to school.

Her father taught her how to duel, Legilimency, Occlumency, dark magic, and a couple more things. She felt utterly uncomfortable whilst learning these things because she had no clue why she was learning them.

She's a natural Legilimens, Occlumens, and she's a natural at dueling. It took her a few days to become a natural dueler. She got hexed multiple times, but she learned how to deal with the pain.

The first few times she got hexed, she felt like she was dying.

She'd cry in pain, screaming in pain, her pained voice echoed throughout the Manor, but she learned how to deal with it.

She got several scars on her body, not only from being hexed, but from the Sectumsempra curse because she lashed out on her father a few times out of frustration, so he punished her.

Her father lashed on her several times, yelling, hexing her, but she learned how to deal with it. Her mum was not at all okay with Reyna being punished with curses, but her mum was afraid of saying something to her father.

During the few weeks, the things Reyna was forced to learn and do didn't affect the way she acted. It spooked her that it didn't affect her, but she knew it was because she was like her father.

She didn't feel any different after learning all these things, she just felt more power and control with what she learned. She was still acting like herself, she just had scars.

She tried not to act like her father, but the things she learned still didn't affect her or even make her flinch and she didn't know how she felt about that. She learned how to control herself, she knew how to keep control and not lash out like her father does.

She walked off the pain she got and resumed with the teachings her father taught her. The things her father did to her, to teach her, it brought unbelievable pain to her physically, not mentally or emotionally.

She always flashed smiles to reassure her mum that she was okay, that she could handle whatever her father threw at her because she could handle it, she knew she could.

She didn't want to learn any of this and what upset her the most was that she didn't know why she was learning this. She tried to piece together some of the things, but her father was really good at watching what he said.

She was unable to figure out anything and it frustrated her. One thing, she wasn't afraid of her father, not anymore like the first day she saw him for the first time since he came back.

She wasn't afraid of him because she used to be like that. She knows better now, she knows how to control it, but he still doesn't scare her, not even a little bit.

Theo and Draco wrote to her, she wrote back of course.

All she wanted to do was hug both of them, hear their voices, see them.

After eating dinner with her mum, she packed her stuff to go back to Hogwarts. She said her goodbyes and apparated back. She ended up in her dorm, she dropped her trunk to the side before walking out.

She walked down the girl dormitory stairs to find her friends. Just as she was walking, she saw Theo walking down the boy dormitory stairs.

Their eyes met, immediate smiles on each of their faces.

She ran to him, jumping in his arms, and he caught her. Feeling her best friend's touch felt good.

Having him in her hold felt good.

She felt like home again, in his arms.

"Hi, sweetheart," he hugged her tightly.

"Hi," she gripped tightly.

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