𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟧: 𝗀𝗂𝖿𝗍𝗌

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A couple of days have passed by and it was her best friend's birthday. His seventeenth birthday. She got up early one morning and got ready for school.

She put on vanilla chapstick and gathered her school things. She walked to her dresser, pulling out a gift bag for her best friend. She walked to his dorm and let herself in with a flick of her wand.

She put her stuff on the ottoman before closing the door. She saw all three boys sleeping peacefully in their beds. She rushed to Theo's bed and jumped on top of him.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, THEO!" she smiled as his eyes shot open, startled.

"Blimey, Rey, what time is it?" he asked drowsily as he put his hands on her waist and sat up.

"I don't know, but it's your birthday," she smiled as she pulled him in for a hug. "Here," she put the gift bag on his lap as she shifted lower down his legs, leaving a little bit of room between them.

"You didn't have to get me anything," he chuckled as he looked up at her.

"I wanted to," she grinned. He opened the gift bag, pulling out the paper wrappings.

He pulled out a golden framed collage of the two of them.

There were pictures of each other from their first year to now. There was one picture of both of them in the third year. It was one day during the holiday where they both sat happily and proudly behind their gingerbread house they built together. Big smiles on their faces with icing all over each other's faces.

"Sweetheart, I love it," Theo smiled as he gazed down at the collage. "Ohlook at this picture," he chuckled as he pointed at the gingerbread photo.

"You fucked up that gingerbread house," she snickered.

"Only because you started rubbing icing all over my nose," he retorted.

"Whatever— that's not all, there's something else in the bag," she gestured towards the gift bag.

He put up the framed collage on the nightstand next to his bed and reached for the other object in the bag. He pulled out a small, red velvet ring box. He opened the box and in the box sat a black titanium ring, one that matched hers.

"Reyna," he beamed as his eyes darted between her and the ring.

"We're matching," she smiled. He took the ring out of the box and slid it onto his ring finger on his right hand.

"Thank you, sweetheart. I love the gifts," he kissed her forehead and pulled her in for an embrace.

"You're welcome," she chuckled. "Go get ready," she said, getting off his lap. Draco and Blaise had woken up, saying happy birthday before the three boys began to get ready. Reyna sat on Theo's bed, fiddling with her rings as she waited for them to be done.

After they finally finished, they walked down to the Great Hall and took a seat at their table. "So, what's on the birthday agenda for today?" Blaise asked, drinking juice.

"I don't know, want to skip class and go to Hogsmeade?" Theo questioned as he took Reyna's apple from her and bit into it.

"Sure," she nodded.

"I'm down," Blaise nodded.

"I'll go," Draco agreed as he bit into his apple.

Moments after, Astoria had walked up to them, sitting next to Draco. "Why didn't we get together yesterday?" she cooed at him.

Reyna laughed softly, remembering he was at the library with her the whole time. "Busy," Draco responded, not looking up at her.

"Can we get together later?" Astoria asked, brushing her fingers along his shoulders.

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