𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟤𝟥: 𝗍𝗋𝖺𝗂𝗇

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*February 1998*

    It was just the beginning of February and Reyna was still at home. It's been a few days since she got the mark.

She hasn't seen or spoken to Draco since the day they both got their marks.

She wrote him once, he never wrote back, so she didn't bother writing anymore.

She misses him a lot.

She and Draco haven't been training yet, but he was supposed to come today to her Manor to train.

She's been writing back and forth with Theo. She hasn't told him anything because she wanted to tell him in person instead of over a letter.

She didn't feel any different after she got the mark, she felt the same, and that's what spooked her. She wasn't shocked that it didn't make her feel any different, she was spooked. She knew she was like her father, that's why she never feels any different when it comes to these things.

She woke up and got ready. She brushed her teeth, changed her clothes, and put on some vanilla chapstick. Her father is never really in their Manor, she doesn't know where he goes, but he's rarely ever there. She walked downstairs to the kitchen to see her mum preparing breakfast. There were waffles, toast, eggs, fruit, and hash browns.

"Morning, my dear," Aurora greeted.

"Morning," Reyna said, sitting in her spot at the table.

"Mum, can I ask you something?" she questioned.

"Of course," Aurora nodded, placing two plates for both of them on the table.

"Why did I get visions of father?" Reyna asked pleadingly, hoping for an answer.

Her mum sighed as she took a seat, looking like she was contemplating to tell her or not. "I really think you should take that up with your father," she spoke.

Reyna sighed as she nodded.

She wasn't going to talk about it with her father, she refused to. After breakfast, Reyna helped her mum tidy the kitchen. "Draco should be here soon and I need to go run errands," Aurora stated.

"What errands?" Reyna questioned.

"Just things your father requested for," Aurora answered reassuringly.

"Be careful, mum," Reyna said softly.

"I will and you be careful when practicing your dueling," Aurora smiled softly.

"Mhm," Reyna nodded as she hugged her mum.

Her mum left and Reyna put the leftover food away.

She was washing the dishes when she felt a cold presence behind her, leaning on the doorframe.

"Were you just not going to say anything?" she broke the silence.

"Didn't know what to say," Draco spoke.

She scoffed at his words, washing her hands before drying them. "Let's go," she droned, walking out of the kitchen.

He followed her and they both walked to the basement. She led him to the room she trains in and closed the door.

"Where's your mum?" he questioned.

"Out," she replied, setting up the dummies and targets. "What do you want to do first? Legilimecy, Occlumency or dueling?" she asked, turning to face him as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"What the fuck is up with the attitude?" he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, his tone was hard.

"I don't have an attitude, I was just asking what you want to do first," she muttered.

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