𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟥𝟤: 𝖾𝗇𝖽

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*May 1998*

It's the day of  her father's plan.

The day he dies.

The day she dies.

The three boys haven't left her side since she told them. They also tried for days trying to find a way to unlink her life.

They found nothing.

Voldemort's plan was now without the help of the vanishing cabinet, but she didn't know how he planned on approaching. She knew he was becoming reckless, so she assumed he would just swarm the outside of the school.

She didn't know how she was going to get to her father, to kill him. She and the three boys were at Hogwarts, as they were instructed.

One thing for sure though, Reyna wanted to prevent as many people from getting hurt or possibly dying. She didn't give a flying fuck if the Death Eaters were going to die.

She wanted to protect the people at Hogwarts. She knew she was the most powerful, strongest Death Eater out of her father's followers.

In fact, she was tied with her father.

Neck and neck.

Considering he's the Dark Lord, he remained to be their leader and she was just a Death Eater. Although, none of the Death Eaters really seem to understand just how powerful she really is.

In more ways than one.

She didn't know what time her father's plan would activate, she just knew it was on this day.

May 2nd 1998.

She and the three boys were in their dorm, none of them were calm and collected.


Reyna was.

She was leaning on the door, watching as the three boys paced, murmured, cursed, whispered, and scolded themselves.

There's been a knot in her stomach since she was told that if her father dies, so does she.

A knot that can't be unknotted.

It stuck.

And it will stay until she just can't feel it anymore.

Until she doesn't feel anything anymore.

Until she drops dead.

With her father.

Before anyone could speak, there was a loud boom. It echoed throughout the whole school. "Fuck," the four of them hissed in unison. They all stormed out of the dorm, running to the front of the school with their wands in hand.

"Wait-" Reyna stopped them and walked to one of the windows that peeked to the outside, in front of the school. Voldemort wasn't there, no.

Death Eaters were only there.

Students and teachers were swarming the school, running around. Hiding, trying to defend themselves. The Golden Trio were nowhere to be seen, probably trying to find a way to save the day.

"Listen to me," Reyna said firmly, quickly.

All three boys turned to face her, listening. "Do not hurt any of the students here or any of the people in Dumbledore's Army and the Order. If you're going to hex someone, make it the Death Eaters going after the students, understand?" she said firmly and they nodded.

Within a span of five seconds, spells, hexes, jinxes were being casted from left and right. The school was beginning to get damaged. Death Eaters everywhere, going after students. Voldemort was nowhere to be seen.

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