𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟤𝟦: 𝗆𝗂𝗇𝖾

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About a week had passed and Reyna was feeling empty.

She missed her best friend, she wanted to see him, and hug him.

They wrote back and forth almost three times a day, but she wanted to see him, hug him, hear his voice.

She and Draco spent everyday for the past week practicing all of the skills she had to master. Turns out, he was just as much as natural as she is at all of them.

He was a quick learner, so he made it easy for her to teach.

Today Reyna and Draco were both going back to Hogwarts. She got up to pack her things, Draco was supposed to meet her at her house, so they could apparate together.

She got ready, putting on some vanilla chapstick before going downstairs with her trunk. She put her trunk in the foyer as she walked to the kitchen.

"Mum? Where are you?" Reyna questioned confusedly when she didn't see her in the kitchen.

"Reyna! Dear, come to the office!" she heard her mum call from the office.

She walked to the office to see her father was there and so was Draco. Everyone was standing in front of the fireplace.

"Aurora, dear, go and put some tea on," Voldemort demanded.

"Of course," Aurora nodded before leaving the room.

"Reyna, I have a task for you and Draco," Voldemort stated.

She walked towards them as her eyes locked with Draco's. His enchanting icy eyes, the ones she always got lost in. They both looked away, turning their attention to Voldemort.

"What is it?" she questioned.

"There's a vanishing cabinet in the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts. I demand you both to fix it," Voldemort stated firmly.

"Why do you need it fixed?" she blurted on first instinct. She immediately regretted her words as her throat tightened.

"Reyna- you know better than to question me. Do I need to remind you what happens when you disrespect me?" Voldemort hissed.

"No, father- I-" she spoke, but got cut off by his dark voice.

"Crucio!" he blasted.

In a blink of an eye, Reyna was shoved out of the way by the blonde boy, and he got hit by the curse.

He dropped to the floor, screaming in pain as tears quickly began to stream down his cheeks. She dropped to the floor with him, holding him in her arms as her eyes pooled at his actions.

"Ah- young love, he just took the punishment for you," Voldemort laughed evilly.

"Father! Please! I'm sorry! I won't disrespect you!" she pleaded, holding her boy in her arms as he screamed in pain.

He gripped tightly onto her arms, burying his face in her arm as his muffled cries vibrated through her. Her heart shattered as his pained screams echoed in her ears.

"You must obey me without question, am I clear?" Voldemort hissed.

"Yes, father," she nodded quickly, pleadingly.

"Very well," he nodded and stopped the curse.

Draco was gasping, his chest heaving as he gripped tightly onto Reyna.

"Say goodbye to your mother before you leave," Voldemort demanded before leaving the room.

Reyna was still on the floor with Draco in her arms as they kept their grip tight around each other. "Draco, love, I'm so sorry," her voice broke as she pushed his hair to the side, running her fingers through his hair.

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