𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟣𝟩: 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌

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The next morning, Reyna went back to her own dorm before the three boys had woken up. She packed her trunk and changed her clothes before brushing her teeth. She put on some vanilla chapstick and grabbed her trunk.

She walked back to Theo's dorm, with her trunk. She let herself in to see the three boys packing and changing. "Why didn't you wake us?" Theo asked, folding his shirts.

"I wanted to let you guys sleep," she shrugged as she waited in the armchair.

"How thoughtful- why thank you, gorgeous," Blaise winked as he changed his shirt.

Draco walked out of the bathroom in nothing, but his dress pants.

She could tell he was still avoiding her gaze, she planned on doing something about it. She planned on making sure he knows how she feels about him.

After they finished packing, they all made their way to the Hogwarts express. They put their trunks away and found an empty compartment to sit at. Theo and Reyna sat on one side, the two other boys on the opposite side.

"My feet hurt," Reyna sighed, lifting her legs to put them over Theo's as she let her head fall back.

"Your fault, you wore heels," Theo snorted.

"You ass, you made me dance for like two bloody hours," she smacked his arm.

"My head hurts," Blaise groaned, dropping his head in his hands.

"Why does your head hurt?" Draco asked confusedly.

"I don't bloody know," he responded.

They all talked for a little while until Blaise and Theo fell asleep. "I'm going to the bathroom," Draco said before leaving the compartment.

Reyna let out a sigh before she got up and followed him. She shoved him into the bathroom, closing the door.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Draco scowled as he turned to face her, towering over her. His expression was hard, his jaw rolled in anger.

"Just shut up," she breathed before slamming her lips into his.

He kissed back immediately, wrapping his arms around her waist. She felt him melt the second their lips touched, just as she did.

She felt her heart flutter when he immediately kissed back, no hesitation. She felt good kissing him knowing he wasn't playing any games or stunts.

He hoisted her onto his hips, setting her on the edge of the sink, and wrapped his arms around her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he stood between her legs, thrusting her tongue in his mouth.

She felt his lips curl into an approving smirk as he released a throaty groan, turning her on. "Don't do that," she whispered into his parted lips.

"Do what?" he smirked against her lips.

She collided her lips with his, kissing slowly, and passionately. Their lips moved in sync as their tongues fought for dominance.

"You taste like vanilla," he said quietly, almost a whisper.

"Is that a bad thing?" she raised an eyebrow.

"No, I like it," he smiled faintly before pressing another kiss on her lips.

She felt her cheeks flush red as she smiled into the kiss and she felt his lips curl into a smile the second she smiled. "I don't think anything we did was a mistake," she whispered as their lips brushed against each other.

"I'm glad we agree on that," he whispered into her parted lips.

She pressed a kiss on his lips before pulling him in for an embrace.

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