7. First Fights Aren't Always Easy

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Adley's POV
We hear the siren go off in the Institute which means that there's been a demon attack. We all look at Caspian.

"You ready for a demon fight Caspian?" I ask him and he shakes his head yes and we get all of our stuff. We quickly get to the location and it's on a rooftop. It's cold, dark, cloudy and raining which sometimes helps in a fight.

"Wow way to call for a death fight." I say sarcastically and we look at the ledge on the roof and it's really thin. It's a bunch of shax coming at us at once. I can feel my heart beat a bit but I breathe slowly to calm it down. We all circle around close to each other and get ready for the next one's to come. When one comes to me it almost grabs me but I luckily cut its arm in time and than its head so it dies. I felt the fire from it when it came close to me, it was like it was going to get right through me.

"Nice Adley" Dad tells me and I smile. "Thanks it was nothing" I tell him proudly and he smiles back at me. I notice Caspian is having a bit of trouble doing this, he's not focusing hard enough and missing the demon's a lot. If I don't help him now he will die. So I rush in front of him and kill them all that are attacking him.

After an hour later it's done and we all just wait just to make sure.

"Thanks for saving me Adley." Caspian thanks me "It was nothing" I tell him

"Anyways I think we're good so let's go back home." Dad interrupts us quickly and mom looks at me and I roll my eyes.

"He's just protecting you" Mom mouths to me and we leave. When will dad ever give Caspian a break. He hasn't done anything to prove that he's not on our side yet. I really hope dad lays off him soon.

Ha good luck with that Adley. Also sorry I haven't updated this book that much. I have been more updating my Vampire Diaries books. ❤️

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