26. Hating What I've Done

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Adley's POV
I feel awful for leaving Caspian when he's been freed but Josh has been there for me for forever so who would I choose to go to than except Josh.

As I'm going down the alley way in New York near the, 'Pandemonium Club', I see a trail of blood on the ground, it's very thick and the smell is strong. I hear Josh crying and shaking, when I look up his hands are covered in blood, his mouth as well. It's around his teeth and on his black shirt and grey jeans. I quickly bend down to him and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Josh it's going to be ok. I'm here" I help relax him and his breath gets quicker and quicker.

"No it's not, no it's not. I'm an, I'm an evil person." Josh tells me and I take a breath.

"No you're not, you have one of the kindest hearts I know. You have always been there for me when I've needed someone the most. Remember in grade 4 when Ashley Michaels was making fun of me and I started to cry. You were the only person who wasn't laughing at me and you distracted me by taking me to get ice cream. You tried to make me laugh and the only way I could was you putting ice cream on my cheek. You have such a kind, loving and giving soul. Just think of this as not being you, it's something you can control and I can help you. So can my uncle Simon because he's been through this too and he still goes through this. You have people to help you through this, it's going to be ok, I promise you." I promise to him and he cries and I put my arms around him and Josh rests his head on my shoulder.

"Never leave me alone again Adley, please." Josh begs me "I promise you, I won't leave you, ever." I tell him and continue holding onto him while he shakes still.

I have to do my best to help him through this hell. I need to make sure that Josh never feels alone. I also need my family to get him to help him, especially uncle Simon. He's the best person out of all of us to help him.

"You're never alone" I tell him again "Ever"

Josh did one of the worst things a vampire can do. Will he get through this darkness? Will Adley actually be able to save him? ❤️

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