13. Helping The Youthful

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Adley's POV
I'm holding up to my promise to uncle Alec by helping my little cousin Brea. I'm actually really excited for this because I love spending time with her, I'm really close with Brea and Madzie.

While waiting for her to wake up I'm just talking with the whole family. As I'm talking with aunt Isabelle about shopping with her and mom this weekend. Brea, Abner and Scarlett all come over here at once. They normally wake up at the same time.

"Daddy and dada can we go on a date later tonight?" Brea asks them and has her brown eyes wide too and we all smile. She calls uncle Alec daddy and uncle Magnus dada just to separate them.

"Absolutely" Uncle Magnus tells her and they smile big. I walk up to them and bend down to her level.

"You ready for training?" I ask her

"Yes but can we go easy?" Brea asks me

"Of course we'll go easy first." I promise her, I will basically train Brea the way I was trained, which was really easy. Today I will just show her some stands and how to hold the blades properly. It will help gain her trust and confidence in holding the blade because it can be scary when you're this young to hold it. I remember training Brea's age and I was very scared that the blade was going to slice my foot.

"I'm not going to hit my feet am I Adley?" Brea asks me, as I just thought of that, which makes me smile.

"Just trust the blade, relax and breathe." I tell her and she does exactly that. Uncle Alec and uncle Magnus come over and smile. I take Brea's hand that's holding the blade and move the blade slowly for her. "Just relax your muscles and trust."

After an hour we finished and Brea did so good. She's definitely improving so much already. I guess I'm a good teacher than.

"Thank you Adley" Brea tells me and I smile at her.

"You're welcome sweetie, I'll always help you. Always" I promise Brea and she hugs me and Brea goes to uncle Magnus and he picks her up and holds her in his arms.

"Did you have fun darling?" Uncle Magnus asks her

"Yes we did" Brea replies to him

"Thank you for helping Brea, Adley." Uncle Alec tells me and I smile.

"Anytime, you'll never have to beg me to help. I promise" I tell them and they smile.

"Can we watch Disney movies tonight?" Brea asks them and they smile big.

"Of course we can, thanks again Adley." Uncle Magnus tells me as well. I smile and they go home. I continue training, Brea is the sweetest angel ever.

Sorry I keep on changing Clary and Jace's daughters name. I promise it is forever staying Adley now. So sorry again💖

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