18. Babysitting Like Parents

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Adley's POV
I'm training with Caspian and while I pretend to punch and kick him he flirts with me.

"Would you stop? We're training here" I tell him off and he laughs and nods. While continuing sweating and training uncle Alec and uncle Magnus come over to us with Brea.

"Hey, can we talk to you for a sec?" Uncle Alec asks us

"Sure" We both say and stop training and go up to them. "What's up?" I ask them

"Alec and I are going on a date right now for the night so if you don't mind babysitting Brea at our place?" Uncle Alec asks

"Of course, we don't mind at all. Right Cas?" I ask him while looking at him.

"Yeah not a problem" Caspian agrees and uncle Alec bends down to her height.

"Ok Brea, you will be spending the night with Adley and Caspian. Dada and I will be back later tonight, we promise ok Angel." Alec informs her and she smiles and nods her head.

"Ok daddy" Brea replies and they hug and kiss goodbye and Caspian and I go to uncle Alec and uncle Magnus' place, we all have a key for emergencies to get in. Once we get in Caspian showers first and while waiting for him I talk with Brea for a bit.

"Adley?" Brea starts with and I turn to her. "Yes Brea"

"Are you in love with Caspian? Like daddy and dada are. It looks like it" Brea surprisingly but yet cutely asks me.

"I don't know yet exactly. We haven't known each other very long to be in love yet sweetie." I answer her question honestly and it is true.

"He is very cute" Brea compliments him and she ain't wrong on that. With his blue eyes and brown hair he is, as I would call him, hot.

"You wanna watch a movie?" I ask her and she smiles big and jumps up.

"Wizard of OZ!" Brea shouts excitedly and I smile.

"That's one of my favourites actually." I tell her and it truly is. I love the music and just the whole picture of it.

While watching the movie right in the middle of it Caspian gets out of the shower and sits beside me and wraps his arm around me so I rest my head on his shoulder. Are we in love? Do I feel any love for Caspian yet? Probably not because I barely know him. After I babysit Brea I will talk to mom about this. When the movie is over I look at the time and it's time for Brea to go to bed.

"Alright girlie, let's get you ready for bed ok sweetie." I tell her and she gets up and goes to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Once Brea is all ready for bed I tuck her in and leave on her night light that uncle Alec and uncle Magnus leave on. I read a story and once I finish it I put it away and kiss Brea goodnight.

"Adley thank you for today. I had fun" Brea sweetly thanks me

"Awe thank you Brea, I had fun with you too." I tell her honestly "You better get to sleep before daddy and dada get home ok pumpkin." Brea smiles at me and closes her eyes. When I get out of the room and close the door I sit on the couch next to Caspian and put my head on his shoulder.

While Caspian and I are talking for like another two hours uncle Alec and uncle Magnus get home. Guess they had fun together tonight.

"Hey guys, how's Brea?" Uncle Alec asks us

"She's asleep now and was such a precious angel tonight." I tell them while Caspian and get up I go up to hug them.

"Thank you so much, we owe you guys." Uncle Magnus tells us

"Oh no, we're family it's what we do. You don't have to do anything in return, seriously." I assure them

"No he's right, you guys could've had the day together. We'll plan something for you guys. You can't say no" Uncle Alec continues the giving.

"Well thank you than, we really appreciate it." I tell them "We really do, thank you guys." Caspian says as well and they smile.

"Now you two better get some sleep. Goodnight and thanks again" Uncle Magnus practically boots us out but I give them hugs first.

"Love you" I tell them "Love you too" They both say to me and Caspian grabs our stuff and we leave and go back home.

Alec's POV
Magnus and I check up on Brea and we just smile at our little angel sleeping away peacefully.

"They did a good job. They would make excellent parents one day, like us. Don't you think Alexander?" Magnus asks me and I look at him.

"That is if Caspian doesn't end up hurting Ad's than yes I think they would." I tell him

"Now now Alexander, I'm sure Caspian is fine now. He seems like his true self with her right now. Don't you think Alexander?" Magnus asks me and I just sigh.

"I'm still keeping my eye out on him." I assure Magnus and he smiles all cute and closes Brea's bedroom door slowly and quietly. When he looks at me, he kisses me gently and smoothly. I never want his lips to leave mine, ever. We stop and he looks at me and smiles again.

"I love when you get all protective. It's hot" Magnus compliments me and I just smile.

"Just shut up and kiss me." I tell him and we kiss some more and just go onto making out on the couch at this point. Magnus stops and looks at Brea's bedroom door.

"Our babies asleep" I ignore him and continue kissing him. "But she's right there" Magnus mentions and I just roll my eyes.

"And I just want to kiss my husband." I tell him and he smiles with an adorable blush and we continue on kissing. Each time we kiss my heart flutters like the first time we kissed, the very first time. My first love, my only love, he's my baby. I will love him forever, nothing can change that, ever.

I just thought I'd include a very cute Magnus and Alec (Malec) moment in the end. I love them so much. 🥰

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