25. You're Free

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Adley's POV
When dad and I run into the Institute uncle Alec is at the front door.

"What's going on? Is he out?" I ask him while getting my breath back.

"They're having his trial right now. They want all of us there. The whole family" Uncle Alec explains and we follow him and everyone is there at the prison centre of the institute. By everyone I mean everyone. Mom, dad, uncle Magnus, uncle Alec, aunt Izzy and uncle Simon. They didn't want their kids to come so they're all training together right now.

Seeing Caspian in the chair like he is, locked in it with his arms and ankles it really breaks my heart.

"Caspian Erix, you worked with Octavius Lovegood. Our enemy who tried to kill the Herondale and Lightwood family. You were in the war too on the enemies side. Are you still with the enemy?" The clave asks him and Caspian notices me and looks at me.

"No, I promise you I'm not. I'm, I'm in love with her. I could never hurt her, it would hurt me to hurt Adley and her family." That's the first time we've said that one of us loves each other, I love him too, wow. Mom looks at me after Caspian says that and she notices my look on my face and comes up to me.

"Is that the first time he said that he loves you Adley?" Mom asks me "Yeah, it is" I tell her while looking at him and she smiles big at me and puts her arm around me. All of a sudden my phone goes off and it's Josh.

"I'll be back, Josh is calling." I tell my mom and she nods and I go outside to talk to him.

"Adley, I I did something terrible. I need your help, I k k killed someone." Josh stutters and my eyes go big.

"Ok I'll figure out how to help you. Just breathe ok" I tell him

"Please hurry, I'm scared" Josh tells me and we see Max coming and I hang up.

"Guys what's going on?" He asks us and I go up to him. (He's in his late 20's now guys.)

"Caspian's being questioned" Uncle Alec tells him and The Clave comes out and I go up to them.

"Caspian didn't do anything wrong. He didn't want to be in that situation." I tell them

"Ms. Herondale relax, we know. His answers are the same thing over and over again. We have no reason to not trust him. He's free to go and be in this institute." They tell me and I breathe of relief and smile so big.

"Thank you" I tell them and they smile at me and I see Caspian come out and I just run up to him and hug him tight and he hugs me back tight as well.

"Thank you for not giving up on me Adley." Caspian thanks me and I look at him and put my hands on his cheeks.

"I'm never going to give up on you and thank you for not giving up on me." I thank him and Caspian puts his hands on the back of my head and puts my head on his shoulder, Caspian puts his head on mine. Than in all of this excitement that he's free I remember that he said that he loved me in there. I take my head off his shoulder and look at him straight in the eyes.

"I love you too by the way." I say back and Cas has this big smile on his face which makes me smile.

"I also wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you." Caspian tells me about when we first met. "Come here" He tells me and I put my head back on Caspian's shoulder.

"I need to talk to you." I hear my dad say and we turn around and he's looking at Caspian.

"I think I'm in trouble." Caspian jokes and I smile. "Good luck, I need to go to Josh, he needs me." I tell him

"Yeah no worries, he's you're best friend. I totally understand" Caspian tells me and I kiss him and he kisses me back and I run to Josh.

Jace's POV
"Look, you're my daughters boyfriend and her second love. I however am her first." I tell him proudly

"I know, so what is it you want to talk to me about exactly?" Caspian asks me

"I'm sorry for not accepting you right away. Clearly you are a good fit for my daughter. It's just that if you break Adley's heart it will break mine, which will make me very angry. Please don't break my daughter's heart." I warn him and he looks me in the eyes.

"I promise I will never break her heart." I half believe him, I don't want to put all my trust in him.

"Ok but if you do, you're dead." I threaten him

"Understood" Caspian agrees "Is that all?" He asks and I smile at him.

"That's all, thank you, welcome to the family." I tell him and put my hand on his shoulder. Than when I look around I don't see Adley here.

"She went to Josh's" Caspian informs me

"Everything ok with you and Josh. Don't tell me that you two aren't getting along?" I ask him

"He's her best friend of course we're not getting along." He tells me

"Fair enough but maybe don't fight too much with Josh because it will hurt Adley if you do. She loves you both very much, so having two very important people in her life fight would not be easy on her, got it?" I inform him

"Of course yes, I will try my best to not fight with Josh." Caspian promises

"Also thank you for making my daughter happy, really." I honestly tell him and he truly does make Adley happy.

"I will do my best to continue that for her." Caspian says "Good" I just walk away and when I turn the corner I see Clary smiling big with that pretty smile of hers.

"What?" I ask her and she starts to walk up to me and when she does Clary puts her arms around my waist and I do the same on her waist.

"I like that you are starting to accept Caspian. I'm sure Adley will appreciate it very much and be extremely happy about it." Clary tells me and I smile at her.

"Well he hasn't done anything wrong yet, so I am starting to warm up about the idea about him going out with our daughter." I mention

"Good, I like seeing that with you two." She comments and I just kiss her slowly and she kisses me back slowly.

Adley is fine with Caspian. I can trust him now. He seems like a good honest kid.

Well Jace is finally warming up on the idea on the two being together. Will it last long though? ❤️

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