24. Father/Daughter Time

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Adley's POV
Today in Java Jones it's the smell of brownies and chocolate chip and chocolate cookies and the smell of strong coffee. I ordered chocolate cookies and a coffee and dad ordered the same.

"So how's training going?" Dad starts and I look at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Are we really doing this?" I ask him and he looks at me straight in the eyes as he takes a bite of his cookie. "Yes we are" He tells me

"Alrighty than, it's getting better I've been practicing some new sneaking up on people moves. Trying to make sure no one can hear me. I've been working on it with aunt Izzy. She's been giving me some really good tips." I inform him and dad smiles big.

"She is the best at that. It's one of her popular moves. Is Josh still not happy with... oops never mind." Dad decides to not say and I look at him curiously.

"What?" I ask him and he looks down and I realize why he stopped. "You we're about to talk about..." I try to finish but he interrupts me.

"Anyways, I hear Scarlett, Abner and Brea are doing really well with their training. They remind me of you growing up." Dad brings up and I smile. Funny timing to say that because here comes Scarlett and Abner with uncle Simon and aunt Izzy. They see us and the kids run up to us.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I ask them

"Scarlett wanted the cookies really badly so we let them come because they've been training really hard." Aunt Izzy explains

"I'm getting my flip kick down." Scarlett tells us excitedly

"No need to rub it in my face Scarlett." Abner says, I'm guessing he's having trouble with it, he is four and Scarlett is six so there's a bit of difference with that for strength and ability.

"You'll get it some day Abner. It took me a while to nail it down. Plus your mom's an incredible teacher. Besides my parents, your mom taught me everything I know." I let him know and he smiles at aunt Izzy proudly.

"Hey what about me?" Uncle Simon, offensively says

"Are you a shadowhunter, vampire?" Dad messes with him and I smile. "No" Uncle Simon embarrassingly says and looks down.

"You're still cool daddy." Scarlett compliments him and that made my heart drop. She's so kind to everyone. "Thank you honey" Uncle Simon thanks her and picks her up and holds her in his arms. That brings me back memories with dad and I.

"Well we'll leave you two alone. See you guys later" Aunt Izzy tells us

"Bye uncle Jace and Adley." Scarlett tells us and hugs us both. I hug her tight and she does the same. "Bye" Abner tells us and we both hug him. I hug aunt Izzy and uncle Simon and dad just hugs aunt Izzy.

"Oh come on uncle Jace. Give daddy a hug" Abner begs dad and aunt Izzy and I laugh. Those two, hug, in our dreams.

"We aren't one for hugging sweetie." Uncle Simon tells him

"Let's go get our food kids." Aunt Izzy says and when they walk to the cashier aunt Izzy winks at me and laughs and I just crack up laughing but quietly.

"Oh my goodness, you and uncle Simon hugging. Now that is something to see that will never happen." I joke and dad rolls his eyes which makes me giggle and smile.

"You just find that so amusing don't you?" Dad asks me "I do, that made my day." I tell him and he rolls his eyes. He shakes his head at me and I just take a sip of my coffee. Aunt Izzy, uncle Simon and the kids took their stuff to go and they said bye to us and we stayed for a bit longer.

As dad and I are talking my phone goes off and I apologize to dad and he lets me take the call. I look at it and it's uncle Alec. I quickly answer because it might be about Caspian.

"Adley come back to the institute with your dad now. It's about Caspian" I was right

"We're on our way" I tell him and dad looks at me worried and I hang up. "It's about Caspian" I inform dad and we take everything to go and run to the Institute.

Wasn't that a cute family moment? With the Lewis' and Adley and Jace. ❤️

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