12. A New Beginning

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Adley's POV
I made the decision of turning Josh into a vampire because I cannot live without him. My family and I go to the grave yard and dig a hole for him. I lay him down as I'm shaking and holding him and as I set him down I rub the back of my hand on his cheek.

"You're going to be ok, I promise." I whisper to him I walk to mom and dad and they hug me tight while uncle Simon puts his hand on my back. Aunt Izzy and uncle Alec with uncle Magnus bury him I just get flashbacks with Josh.

We're 11 years old at the park on the swings playing would you rather and I'm having the best day of my life with my best friend.

"Would you rather kiss a monster with hair everywhere, even on the lips? Or a monster with goop running down his skin?" Josh asks me

"The hair for sure, goop would be disgusting. We see it enough with demons." I explain to him "Fair enough" He agrees with me

"Ok would you rather, have spikes coming out of you every time you hug someone or have fire every time?" I ask him

"Spikes because I feel like it wouldn't hurt me as much." Josh answers and we laugh.

"He's going to be ok sweetie." Mom helps relax me as she kisses my forehead. I'm still not looking at this. The boys are done with the grave and now we just wait.

"Come on Josh wake up please. I need you" I hope he can hear me. We hear the dirt move in there and my heart starts to race. Than we hear him struggle and heavy breathing. "Josh I'm here it's ok." I say loudly so he can hear me. His hand starts to come out and as I'm about to try and help him mom and dad pull me back.

"It has to be him Adley. Only him" Dad informs me and that just makes me shake more. Josh puts his hand out more and tries to push himself up.

"Come on Josh, you can do this." I tell him and after I say that he pushes out harder and manages to get out. I have a relief of breath and he's shaking.

"Thank goodness, Josh before you say anything I'm so sorry and I hope you can forgive me for this. I just didn't want to lose my best friend. I'm so so so sorry." I apologize and he just looks at us shaking.

"I'm a, I'm a vampire. I'M A VAMPIRE ADLEY!!" Josh yells at me and he's never yelled at me so I jumped.

"I'm so sorry, we'll help you through this." I tell him

"Especially me, you won't be alone in this." Uncle Simon tells him

"I'm a vampire" Josh says in a whisper, over and over again. He comes up to me slowly to hug me but we stop him. "Why?" He asks us

"If you go near her or us besides Simon. You'll hurt us with your thirst." Dad explains to him and Josh backs up.

"I don't want to hurt my best friend." Josh makes me cry even more saying that. Josh looks at uncle Simon and uncle Simon walks up to hug him and Josh hugs him back. While uncle Simon rubs Josh's back, Josh is shaking and crying. I can't look at this.

"You're going to be ok Josh. I'll help you through this. So will Adley" Uncle Simon tells him and I can hear Josh heavy breathing and crying. "Stay here ok" Uncle Simon says to him and walks to us.

"I'll take him to a safe house and help train him for a while. He'll be ok Adley" Uncle Simon hugs me and I hug him back. As they walk away I shout.

"Josh!" He turns around slowly facing me. "I'm so sorry about this. I couldn't lose you" I apologize again

"I would've done the same for you. It's ok" Josh walks back with uncle Simon and everyone hugs me in a group hug. I can't believe this happened.

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