15. First Dates Can Be Like A Dream

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Caspian's POV
I hope this date goes well like I planned it to be. There just better not be any demon attacks during our date. Adley's different from other girls, it needs to be really special for her because she's special.

I take her to this balcony that I found in town earlier and I turn on the lights and there are strands of gold lights above us. Rose's everywhere because they're her favourite flower, peddles on the ground, actual bouquet's on the corners of the railing and one on the table. We even have the chairs and tables shimmering of gold because Magnus helped with that. I turn to Adley and she is just speechless with her mouth wide open and eyes wide open.

"I, this is, Cas this is just. Beautiful. No one has ever done anything like this for me before. Grant it I've never had a boyfriend or been on a date before." Adley reveals to me and I motion her to her chair and pull it out for her while she sits down.

"I don't know why you wouldn't have a boyfriend. Any guy would be lucky to have you and want to protect you and make sure you know you are loved." I tell her and she smiles and blushes, she also puts her hair behind her ear. When I sit down her phone rings from a call and she smiles.

"I'm sorry it's just my dad. I have to answer this." Adley tells me

"I understand, family first" I tell her honestly and she smiles and answers it quickly.

Adley's POV
"Dad really, now?" I ask him in a whisper.

"How are you? Are you safe? Did he hurt you? Do you need me to pick you up?" Dad panics and I sigh annoyed and roll my eyes while turning away from Caspian so he doesn't see.

"Dad we just got here and sat down. I'm fine and safe, relax." I tell him, I love my dad so much but he can be too protective sometimes.

"If he hurts you he's dead. Ok call me if anything happens though please." Dad informs me

"I promise I will and I promise that I am safe dad." I try and end the call but dad continues.

"I love you" He tells me in such a sweet way which makes me smile.

"I love you too dad." I say back and he finally hangs up and I very quickly put my phone away.

"I am so sorry about that. My dad is just very protective of me. Well my whole family is really. Which I love so much about them with that." I apologize to Caspian

"No worries, I understand, he just doesn't want to see his little girl get hurt. I'll make sure that doesn't happen." Caspian tells me with his blue eyes glowing. I cannot get enough of those eyes, are they even real? Than I get another call and it's uncle Alec.

"Seriously!" I say pretty loudly and I quickly answer. "Uncle Alec I am fine ok." I tell him

"Ok but if he hurts my niece he is dead meat. I mean it Ad's, just please be careful." Uncle Alec replies

"I promise I'll be fine." I assure him and he takes a deep breath.

"Ok" Uncle Alec says and I can hear his phone being passed, uncle Magnus now, great.

"Hey angel, just let your handsome, but not as handsome as Alec, boy know that I too am very protective of you. Also that I wouldn't like to see you get hurt. Remind him I'm a warlock to as well. Love you Adley" Uncle Magnus demands me

"I sure will, I love you too uncle Magnus and tell uncle Alec that I love him too please. I gotta go" I tell him

"Will do, be safe" Uncle Magnus ends and finally hangs up.

After all that while eating Caspian and I have so much in common. We find it hard to fit into certain places. We only trust few people in our lives. We love our families with our heart and souls. We also love being Shadowhunters as well and so much more in common. Once we get up to 4 hours of just talking that went by so fast, except for when my family kept calling me. Caspian stands up and turns on the music with the remote on the table and puts it back down. He holds out his hand and blushes so cutely.

"Adley, would you like to dance with me?" Caspian asks me and I smile big.

"I would love to Caspian." I answer and take his hand while getting up. He pulls me in gently and puts his one free hand on my back and holds my one hand with his in the air. We just stare at each other in the eyes, not saying anything. Caspian than spins me quickly and it makes me giggle so loudly. When he pulls me back in he smirks.

"Your laugh is so adorable." Caspian compliments me and I blush and just look at him. We both just stare at each other in the eyes and he leans in closer to me and kisses my lips so gently and soft. I kiss him back and feel huge butterflies in my stomach just whirling around.

Once we stop dancing we realize what time it is and quickly run back to the Institute. This was such a magical date and I could never ask for anything better, except for this crappy ending.

"Mom, dad?" I say breathless

What happened? Sorry for the cliffhanger. Are Jace and Clary ok? What if it's not just them? Wait to see what happens in the next chapter. ❤️

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