16. Where Are They?

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Adley's POV
I'm shaking like I've never shaken before. I'm barely breathing and my heart is speeding. I bend down to my family and see if they're alive at least. I go to my mom and dad first and shake them awake.

"Mommy, daddy" I practically speak out of shock and terror. I hurriedly go to the rest of my family.

"Aunt Izzy, uncle Magnus, uncle Alec, uncle Simon. Come on please, please please please please." I say panicking and realize that they aren't waking up and I just can't control my body. I feel numb but yet shaky and I also feel like I'm crumbling down. I almost faint but Caspian catches me and holds me tight while my head is turned away from them and I just burst into tears while still shaking and having no thoughts. Except I hear shimmering and I slowly turn around with tears down my face and notice that they are all going up into the air and they're gone. It's not really them. I stop crying and there's a call in the institute so I quickly answer and it's Octavius.

"Hello Adley, if you're wondering what just happened and where your family is. I have the answer for you." Octavius notifies me and moves out of the way. He has all of them chained up with a chain on their wrists against a brick wall.

"What do you want?" I just get to the point.

"I want Caspian back" Octavius tells us and I look at Caspian and he looks at me.

"No, I'm done with you." Caspian tells him off

"Fine, than I get to keep or kill, Adley's only family. You're choice, meet me here. You know where we are Caspian." Octavius says to him and ends the call we grab some gear and quickly run to where Octavius is with my family.

When we get there it's a huge building, almost looks like an office building but it's pretty much just Octavius' house. We walk in and the floor is blood red, the walls are grey stones and the ceiling looks like the night sky. I follow Caspian and when we get to the door I hear my mom and aunt Isabelle scream. My instinct is too run in and I cannot tell what he did, he must've used a rune on them.

"I'm here, with Caspian" I tell him and Octavius smiles. "Let them go" I demand him and he laughs miniacly and quickly stops.

"You think I'm really going to believe you. That you're just going to hand me Caspian back. I know you little one, you're a trickster, you like playing games. When I let them go you're going to save Caspian. I'm not an idiot. Give me Caspian" He demands and sees through my plan.

"Nice try but I know that if I give you Caspian you're going to disappear with my family." I point out to Octavius and he smiles and laughs.

"Smart little one" He says and I roll my eyes. "Did you forget someone though at the institute? Ohhhh Brea!" No, I look at uncle Magnus and uncle Alec and they look terrified, so scared that they look like their going to throw up. Octavius' guards bring out Brea. All you hear her say is...

"Hmhmhm" You can also see a tear drip down her face.

"NO!" Uncle Alec and uncle Magnus shout and uncle Magnus tries to use his powers in anger but the guards are stronger than him.

"She's just a kid!!" I scream at Octavius and he smiles at me and walks up to Brea and puts a hand of his on her cheeks and she tries to back up. I start to get angry and have the power to run to Octavius and push him to the wall. "Don't touch her!" I scream at him and he quickly looks at me.

"Well look at that Brea. Your cousin is trying to save you. Isn't she inspiring" Octavius talks to them and I hold onto my sword so tight against my grip that my hand is burning. I quickly lock my arm on his throat and push him against the wall more and just push my arm into his throat and put the tip of the blade on his neck.

"Let them go and don't ever touch them again or else I'll slice your neck open." I threaten him while slowly pushing the sword in more and he starts to gasp for air. Octavius kicks my knee hard and I fall down quick because I lose my balance. He didn't kick it hard enough where I can't get up. As I'm able to get up slowly my knee pops and it feels fine. As he's walking to my family I run fast to catch him and when I reach him I put one arm of mine around his neck and hold the blade to his throat.

"How many times do I have to tell you. Don't you dare hurt my family." I threaten him and I kick his back hard enough that he flies to the wall and goes unconscious. I get in position to save my family and take a breath and look at Octavius' guards holding my family.

"Let them go" I demand them "Sorry but Octavius said to hold your family. Until they die" One of the guards say and just as they are about to kill them I look up and see a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. I throw my sword to the chandelier and it hits the very top of it and comes crashing down. It makes the guards let go of my family and Brea runs to uncle Magnus and uncle Alec, uncle Alec picks her up and holds her tight. Mom and dad come up to me and hold me tight.

"Honey are you ok?" Mom asks me shaking "I'm ok, I'm just so glad you guys are." I tell them and they all smile at me. Dad puts his arm around me tight and kisses my forehead. Aunt Izzy gives me a big hug and I hug her back. We hear Octavius groaning and I turn around quickly and stand in front of my family. He stands up and just glared down at me.

"Adley, look at you, you're amazing. Join me and you can become the person you've always wanted to be. Strong, independent and untouchable. I can make you all that. Just join me please and give me Caspian." Octavius tells me

"No way and no, end of discussion. Aunt Izzy, would you tie him up for us?" I ask her while turning to her and she smiles big at me.

"Wouldn't mind at all Ad's." Aunt Izzy agrees and Octavius tries to run away but aunt Izzy is faster, even in her killer heels. She throws her whip at him and ties him up and grabs him tight with her bare hands. Aunt Izzy holds onto him so he can't run and you just hear him trying to talk. Mom and dad quickly hug me and I hug them back.

"I'm so happy you're safe Adley." Dad tells me and I just smile. We get back to the Institute and aunt Izzy puts him in the prison. We put our weapons away and I just smile at my family and they smile at me. They're all safe, everyone is ok.

Adley was terrified about her family being gone there. She got them back and Caspian stayed by Adley's side. So we know they can trust him. ❤️

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