8. Vampire's and Best Friends

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Josh's POV
I'm meeting Adley at the institute and she's told me to not go inside because the new alarm system is being put on. So I text Adley that I'm here and she texts me back right away.

I'll be out soon, I'm just putting some weapons away. - Adley

No worries, I'll be out here. - Josh

I wait for her and while I do, I decide to just go on my phone and take some pictures. I'm really into photography. While taking a photo my camera strap gets pulled from behind me and starts choking me. Who is this? I manage to turn around and it's a vampire.

"You look delicious" He says and I try and run away but his speed is faster than I am. All of a sudden the room is spinning and I knock out onto the floor.

Adley's POV
Where's Josh? He was just here, I see uncle Alec and decide to see if he's seen Josh.

"Hey uncle Alec have you seen Josh anywhere today? He was supposed to meet me here by now." I ask him and he looks around.

"No I haven't, I'm sure he's ok Adley. Maybe his mom wanted him to do something for her?" Uncle Alec suggests

"Or maybe we have him?" We hear someone calling us through the monitor and I answer it quickly because what if it's about Josh.

"Hi, we haven't met, I'm Galdur and I may have something or someone very valuable to you." Galdur tells us and moves out of the way of Josh's view. Josh! He's tied up and has been cut over and over. He's completely knocked out

"What do you want?" I ask him while trying to calm my nerves down for my best friend.

"The mortal cup, so I can make vampire's into Shadowhunters. Make myself a powerful army and I do have the perfect person to do the magic for it. I will give you, you're friend, if you give me the cup. I also know what it looks like, so don't try anything. I'll see you sooner than later." Galdur forces us and everyone looks at me.

"Uncle Magnus, can you possibly make a fake mortal cup?" I ask him and he smiles.

"Yes I can, you guys give it to him and the second you do get Josh right away. Don't waste any time" Uncle Magnus helps us and gets the fake but very real looking cup ready. Uncle Magnus gives it to me when he's done with it and it looks so legit.

"This is perfect, thank you." I tell him and he smiles and hugs me and I hug him back.

"Be safe" Uncle Magnus tells me and I smile. We get prepared and go on our way to save Josh. We're coming Josh, don't worry ok.

Will they be able to save Josh in time? Or will it be too late? Also will the fake cup work or will they get caught? ❤️

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