4. Lover and A Fighter

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Adley's POV
There's a Shadowhunter emergency at the centre so I quickly get ready and meet my family there.

"So what's going on?" I ask and dad pops up the video of a demon attacking a whole building.

"A demon is trying to send out a signal by messing around a couple of places in the city. This is it's first move and next it comes for us." Dad informs me

"Alright let's go get it..." I say and before dad closes it I notice something weird with the video. "Wait! Go back to the footage." I tell him and he does and I see a guy just standing and watching it all happen. He looks like he's the one who is starting this.

"Look, someone's at the door in the corner outside. He must be the leader of this." I inform them and they see him.

"Good eye Adley" Mom compliments me and dad smiles proudly at me. I smile back and we get ready and prepared.

When we get there it's a work building and we get to the top on the roof and stay against the wall of the door. Dad's in front making sure the coast is clear. The weird thing is I hear and see no demon. Wait a second, this place looks like my nightmare, it's here. Someone comes behind me and grabs me from behind and latches onto me and puts a long blade right next to my throat. Well this is different from the dream.

"Well well, look who it is... the famous Herondale family is trying to stop us. How cute is that? With their daughter" The leader jokes and he comes up to my face and bends down. "Hi sweetie, look how cute you are." I kick him in the balls and he goes down immediately.

"Our daughter is stronger than you think." Dad tells him "And more wise than you probably are." Mom continues and the guy laughs.

"Her, please, she's just a kid.
Oh, my manors, I forget to tell you my name. Octavius Lovegood, nice to meet you." Octavius says and tries to shake dad's hand but dad just rolls his eyes. "No, how rude of you Jace. Everyone knows who you guys are by the way." He explains

"What's your plan?" I demand him "Ooh, well well, someone's edgy. Alright, I'm here to kill every shadowhunter in the world so I can create my own demon army. I thought I'd start with you guys and maybe even start with this cutie." Octavius informs us and I elbow the guy holding me and throw him off the building.

"You were saying" I joke "Not bad little one, not bad. Caspian!" One of his followers, who looks about my age and he second guesses to kill me.

"Why, she's just a kid. In front of her parents too?" He says, woah, did not expect that.

"Just do it! Kill her!" Octavius yells at him and he tries to come up to me but I am able to do a backflip against the wall. Before I am able to land on the ground I instead decide to stop myself by holding onto the ladder to get higher to the extra roof.

"Oh yeah, come and kill me." I threaten him and my parents are able to free themselves and dad knocks out Octavius. Caspian throws a throwing star at me but I catch it mid throw. Caspian just stands there and freezes, it looks like he has tears in his eyes. I've never seen this before.

"Please no, I don't want to do this to you. I don't even want to kill people like you. I'm being forced and I cannot get out of this. Please help me" Caspian begs and I don't believe him.

"Yeah right, I've heard that trick before." I tell him "No no, please I'm serious. Please" He begs more and he's shaking everywhere and he's getting red in the face. Maybe he really means it, oh my gosh. I make sure no one is looking at us and I walk up to him.

"Are you for real right now?" I ask him "Yes, I don't... I can't... I need help out of here. He's going to kill me if I fail him. I need to hide from him." Caspian is still shaking and he can barely stand.

"Just stay here ok, I'll take care of them. I'll come get you when we're done ok." I inform him and he is sitting on the ground shaking. I feel so bad for him now. I've never seen this before. He stays there and I help my family.

After a while we are able to kill everyone except Octavius.

"Nice try, sure you killed my people but I'm still here. Now, I'm gone" Octavius flies off the building but somehow lands on the ground and runs away.

"Caspian he's gone, you can come out now." I tell him loudly so he can hear me and when he comes out he is shaking and looking down. Dad sees him and walks up to him by trying to kill him but I stop him before he can.

"Adley what are you doing? He's the enemy" Dad asks me and I shake my head no.

"He was forced to help Octavius. The kid is just a scared kid. He never wanted to be apart of this." I tell them and mom goes up to Caspian and puts her hand on his shoulder.

"Awe kid, you're shaking like crazy. You really didn't want to do this. You're eyes are red over them. We'll take you to our Institute and help you ok." Mom helps him and he shakes his head.

"Clary are you crazy right now?!" Dad says "Dad, he didn't want to be apart of this ok. I can tell he's telling the truth. I know when people are lying remember." I remind him, it's true, I have a very good sense of that and I'm always right when I know someone is and isn't. Caspian isn't lying

"Fine but I'm not happy about this." Dad finalizes and we take Caspian with us and I sit next to him in the van and he is still shaking. I try and look around him to find a way to distract at him and I see a really cool Shadowhunters bracelet on him.

"That's a pretty cool bracelet you have. Where'd you get it?" I ask him and he looks at it and plays with it.

"My mom gave it to me before she, died." Caspian says to me choking back tears. "Oh I'm so sorry, you don't have to tell me the story of her ok." I say to him and he looks at me and than goes back to hanging his head down. He's really, really scared now.

"There's no need to be scared right now ok. I promise we'll keep you safe. You have a place to call home. Ok" I assure him and he smiles at me. "Thank you" Caspian tells me and I smile. I look at dad and he looks really annoyed right now. Mom is really smiling though. I think dad just doesn't trust him but you earn trust so it's whatever.

Awe how sweet of Adley to do right. I think I feel romance coming on hmmmm? 💖

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