Chapter 36. Stranger is Danger🍁

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As the evening progressed further, more and more guest came to party, everyone was happy wishing eachother, and me and my bestie just sat in our Happy corner and passing comments on the Girls who tried to flirt with Natali,. we were giggling mess while watching. Nathan flirting with girls openly on other hand Liam was bored to death because of the girls. He was giving them all fake smiles with gritted  teeth, and looking at him we were just laughing our heart out. Once in a while when Liam looked our way we were still laughing he would give me a satisfying smile and a wink which skipped my heartbeat, but the moment was short lived , a hand came on his shoulder, my laugh instantly siezed , because the hand belonged to none other than Miss Monica Liam rudely beautiful secretary, I mean yeah she is beautiful gorgeous in all ways but her heart is black.

My change of reaction instantly captured by Ele , she popped her eyebrow up in questioning manner,  I just shook my head and asked her to let's go somewhere else. I don't know whenever I find Monica near Liam either my mood sours or I don't like to be in the same area. I don't know why I feel like that but it's there a light pinch like feeling in my heart. Why I don't know? Again which is more frustrating... I like when he is around when I spend time him, when he teases me not always but yeah I like him being around... Is El was right what she said earlier that am starting to develop feelings towards  Liam. If no then why it matters bothers me whenever I see him around Monica....

We went near our Barbecue section where freshly #Mac &Cheese# BBQ Chicken Wings#Creamy potatoes#Corn Bread#Fried Pickles#Grilled corns#all other delicious delicacies, so without any further wait me and Ele started to fill out our plates, but within seconds our plate was flown out of our hands, both plates was stolen by none other than Natha this time , and took it with a cunning smile on his face,we both huffed and took another plate and this time successfully we reached our table, and started devouring our food,. but just when I thought that I am going to calm my hunger monster, something caught my sight which instantly evaporated my hunger, and my mood soured, and that something was Liam being fed by none other than Monica, not more than 10 tables away Liam and Nathan sat with some business delegates and Monica was also seated besides him, and as the delegates were busy talking with Nathan, she hold her spoon towards Liam mouth and without any further a do he accepted it and gave her a most magnificent smile, which instantly changed my mood, and I was about to leave table, but Ele hold my shoulder...

" Am I the only one OR you too think what I am thinking?" Ele asked out of the blue

"I don't know, Ele but whatever I am not interested in the stuff"

" Yeah,but it looks you are affected by it..."

" Am going for a walk" and without waiting I left the table because she is right am affected but I don't want to show that to her... while moving away from crowd I picked up a bottle of some liquor which I didn't bother to see its name.

Point to be noted am not alcoholic, sometimes have wine, but other than that am not... but today I felt the need to go away from everything and everyone, why don't ask because I don't have answer to it.

I felt this weird feeling  for the second time now, whenever I see Monica around Liam, I feel lost I feel like a piece of me is broken and separated but why I don't know, which was a very frustrating day by day. Walking further in my thoughts I found Bench in the garden faraway from the party, where no one can see me or reach me, and anyway no one is bothered by my absence either, everyone mingling with eachother Nathan busy flirting with his new bees, mom Dadda busy attending their guest and friends Ele offcourse with her food, and Liam....
'Forget about him Isabella' my mind said

I drank the liquor, and the liquid just burnt my throat, and my eyes water, I felt burning in my chest I mearly had one gulp and my condition is worst I don't know how people use to digest such drinks, I took glance on the bottle name it said Spirytus Vodka wooh it's seems I mistakenly picked one of the strongest drink, but who cares I need to forget about the world, so without thinking further I seeped and seeped and seeped until I lost control on my seeps and almost emptied the bottle. I am feeling a bit relaxed now, hihihi giggling to myself, I sat there watching towards the sky... I was lost in my own thoughts when I felt a presence behind me but I didn't bother to turn, I kicked my Heals already and sat on the bench Indian style, folding my legs crisscross...

" Toddler...." Came a very sexy and heavy voice, I turned my head in its direction a long tall figure was stood there, but due to my inny mini drink seeps, my vision was hazy and I felt little bit tipsy too... I waved towards the figure it seems to stay there so continued with my sky watch....

" What are you doing here away from all of us?" That figure spoked again, and I didn't bother to reply because one thing I don't want to and second I don't feel to...

" Are you giving me cold shoulder Princess?"  I huffed and said

" I don't talk to strangers, my mom says danger is stranger...."

" You mean to say Stranger is Danger?" he asked again I didn't reply. The figure moved towards me and sat next to me. I lifted my bottle and was about to take my last seep, he snatched my bottle and shouted.

" WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?, Don't tell me you drank this OH CRAP YOU HAD NEAT VODKA STRAIGHT AWAY, WHAT ARE TRYING TO DO AR-,...."  I hold my palms on my ears, and turned myself towards him, First thing I did was hold my finger on his lips to stop him from shouting further.

Shhhh 🤫🤫🤫

" Why are you shouting, Shooosh anyways who are you to shout at me like that" Saying that I tried to stand up to go away from this sexy stranger,as I stood up I lost my balance and fall back on the bench but this time the bench was soft like Cushion, I bounced on the spot, but as I was about to bounce again, I heard a grunt and I turned behind ooopsy it was not the cushion but I fall on the stranger lap and hihihih🤪🤭🤭🤭🤭sat on his tighs. He is beautiful but my head didn't register where did I seen him.... he seems familiar.

" Princess,I would love to be in this position for my lifetime but right now you are not in your right state of mind"

" HA I don't care anyways nice meeting you, Chao"
saying that I stood up steadily and started walking bear foot 👣👣👣 my walk was tipsy,

"Easy there, where are you going?, stop you are drunk Princess you need to sleep it out, now let's go I will take you to your room" he hold my upper arm and tried to pull me towards the opposite direction, but I pulled my hands, staggering back I said

" NO I dont want to sleep," I whined

" Then what ?" he asked

"....I....I want run" saying that I sprinted towards the opposite direction, I heard him following me but I ran faster, in few minutes ran out of the main entrance, he caught up with me, and turned me towards him. The street light flashed on this strangers face and I was speechless... I just stared at him



" Go to Sleep Princess" he placed a small kiss on my forehead and the moment I hit my head on the pillow I lost my senses to sleep...

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