Chapter 19. Toddler Assisting Me 🍁

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I was in my thought world, when i felt a warm blanket wrap me, i looked up and saw it was liam, he sat next to me on the bench.

"You will make your cold worst if you seat out like this without warm clothes isabella!!" My name from his mouth sounds foreign on my ears, strange.

"What can i say am toddler" i made a childish sound to light up the mood, and giggled which instantly made liam chuckled.

" Yeah right" he smiled

" Liam,..... I ... am genuinely i am really sorry for that morning, i didnt mean that, i spoke wthout thinking please liam forgive me, please"

"Dont have to apologise isabella, i have known you since you were 5, and i know you didnt mean that, and me too sorry for making you do my stuff like you know laundry dishes and all" he said

"Ohh no, it was my self-made punishment for me, ofcourse a way to earn your's and nathan forgiveness, as you both were hellbent to give me cold shoulder and and nathan was kind of mute mode" i said he laughed at it and me too joined his laugh was kind off contagious, as i saw him laughing freely my heart made that crazy jump again. whats with my hearty has it installed a spring or something lately.

" Anyway, how is your shoulder now, i thought it must be removed its been what 3 weeks or something?"

"Yup, pain was not there, but uncle danny said to keep a couple of days more"

"Good, hey umm Isabella, can i ask you somehing?" i gave him a nod

"What are your goals in life?" Woah where that came from.

" Are we playing Career Counselling here?" i joked but he was giving me serious look which said answer.

"Okay chill no need to give me stern look, you know i always like to join company work with Dad and nathan, thats why i worked my ass and got good grades in academics, and yup want to find success one day,and want to handle a department solely" i said proudly but he was still staring at me, like literally staring and believe me that was really scarring me.

"Okay, you worked hard got grades, and like past 4 years you were assisiting your dad and Nate, right?" i gave him a small nod.

"Hmm, What about the real you, do you find happiness doing this office work, am not saying its bad, nope, but do you find it a real deal, waking up getting ready with those office attires, then putting up a professional face like you cant smile even a little, like hell you had a boutox done" at his comment i laughed, it was apt, sometimes i really likes to smile freely but being in top position at your own company, you cant do that always have to stick to the strick face.

"Havent you thought about doing something else?" he questioned i was confused

"Like what ?" i counter back

On this he huffed and suddenly stoodup and went inside, i dont know whats wrong with this guy i mean what did i do wrongnow?

"Hey where are you going?" i shouted after him but he didnt bother to answer and went in,i followed suit, and saw he was in kitchen, nathan joined us , ohh ya did i forgot that they both are a hell of a cook, ofcourse mommy is a trainer for them, they learned it from her.On the other hand i can too do some cooking, but not like them.

"Wassup guys, everything okay?" nathan asked and checked my forehead for temperature, and he too went behind the counter.

Liam was already chopping some vegetables, and set water for boiling, nathan too started to do something of his own, i wanted to ask liam why he walked out on me, in middle of the talk but if i open my mouth then may be he wont like it, he is kind of like this he wont like mixing talks, like if had chat with me alone then he wont like me discussing it in front of others.

"So Mate, remember the project i was working on, yeah i needed some assistance in that, so kind of need a favour from you" Liam said to nathan

"Ohh great, and i will be happy to help, tell me what do you want?" Nathan said i was just seating there, and nathan gave me a glass of juice, which i took i was feeling thirsty anyway.

"I need an assstant, and find one" liam said

" Who is it ?"

"Toddler here agreed to help " he said suddenly when I was sipping juice the moment he said 'Toddler'  it came out like spray, and good it was sprayed none other than Liam himself suits him.

"Ohh shit man, Izzy what was that, " nathan started laughing and i was loss at words, and liam the whole juice was dropping from his face onto his shirt, and he was just staring at me, if staring could kill, then i must be dead by now, he excused himself and went to cleanup.

After a while later we were having dinner, but it was all shhushed, like silence only scrapping of spoons was heard, and it was killing me, this was the thing he wanted, that i assist him in his company, what is this a joke?. am not anybodies assistant, no way am doing this.

" So mate the project it was 1 year or something right?" Nathan asked liam was staring at me and i cant decipher his look. He nodded without looking towards nathan, who was seating on the head of the chair and me and Liam either side of him.

"Cool, Izzy its great you will learn many things in his company and with Liam mentoring you is a jackpot!" Nathan pointed with his fork towards me, Jackpot !! yeah right, what am i suppose to do in transport company, i mean i dont have any experience i dont even know their work culture, i have to stop liam. I cant do this thing, O no thats why he was asking those stuff while we were out at the pool he wanted me as his assistant.

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