Chapter 1. Back to Pavellion 🍁

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📒Hey diary, am happy to tell you that am on my way home today, its been 4 years since i left my hometown, and went to Rome as my Dadda wanted me to go and handle a hotel unit there, actually it was me who asked him because I dreamt of this, one day I will solely handle a department in my dadda company and make him proud,he gave me my first task after I gone through my intership under Nathan my big Bro, that was to setup a office here in rome, i took this task as a opportunity to prove my worth in bussiness, i was very fond of Dadda and Nathan being in suits and going off to office, when i was attending my school, i remember when i was 6 i use to go to dadda's, study and seat on his lap while he works i was kind of fascinated with all that business world back then, so when i joined college i decided to choose Management as my career, then i went under internship, and nathan volenteer himself to be my mentor, back then i use to assist him in every way possible, and now here i am successfully done my task, these past 2 years i handled everything by my own, though Nathan had visited me for past 3 years and half to ensure that am doing good, and everything is working smoothly. But since past 6 months he is kind of let me handle my work, and am glad for that. So yes am happy am going back to Pavellion, my safe heaven my mom my family my home. She is my inspiration all these years, she is my mom/best friend/guide basically everything, I remember 4 years back Dadda and Nathan being over protective of me were not ready to let me go alone  but one Vote from MOM and everything sorted, she is disaster manager in our home, Nathan is totally momma' boy, and am dadda's girl. So Dairy i will come back to you again, till then hide everything well Chao! 📒✍✍

I finished writing my diary as the Captain announced that we are landing back, I am currently in our private jet, as it was nathan strict orders for me to travel in our jet, unlike dadda he is to overprotective, and a one step ahead he is computer genius no scratch that he is computer maniac, you must have been thinking why write diary, its all beacuse of Nauty @ Nathan, before writing i was like why write when we can maintain it in app, but its nathan who use to decode all my passswords hack my system and use to read my stuff, it happened 29 times yes 29, and when i got irritated i tried for 30th time and this time i set some wierd password like combination of lots of alphanumeric keys, some numbers and characters, and when i successfully created that password, i made a biggest mistake that is i forgot to write it down on a paper and eventually i forget the placing of those password, and blocked myself out, and end of the day i have to ask him for decode it, when he understood the reason, he laughed till he rolled off the sofa and then rolling on the carpet, till today i remember how much nathan laughed at my stupidity, which makes me laugh too.

I was naive back then i thought setting a difficult password will keep him away, but it was total loss, so then on my birthday dadda gifted me a beautiful customised diary, and since then i am writing and nathan never touched it one's, he too promised me that until i gave permission he wont read it, which was relief.

"Young Miss we have reached " flight attendant Julia spoke i was engrossed in my thoughts that i missed that we made our landing, smilling, i went towards the exit, i was excited thinking dadda or nathan or mom or everyone came to recieve me, but as i stepped out of the plane on escalator steps, my happy bubble was busted a black car, and beside that our head Butler Uncle Joseph whom i call J was standing, What !? no Dadda, No Moma, No Nathan, whats going on in these past two years have they forgotten about their daughter?, i felt lil disappointed, no scratch it am 100% HURT, and uncle J's smile is like salt and pepper on wound. But there is only one way to find out is that i should get going. Yeah so i descended down and went towards the car,

"Ohh Hello sugercane" uncle J greeted me, its his nickname for me, uncle J is with us before i even born, so dadda and mom treat him like family,

"Hey Uncle J, Long time no see" i smiled and gave him hug, and settled on backseat, he followed but sat on passenger side, and driver started the engine and pulled back and in no tme we hit the road towards my home. Drive was silent, i wanted to ask them why they are recieving me and not one of them, whats going on my mind dancing here and there, is everyone alright, is something happened in my absence, i was about to ask but i saw we entered our main gates, i saw my home sweet home, our mansion where we all live together, the driver pulled near the porch, and Uncle J went out and opened by door and assisted me out, he said he will bring my luggage meanwhile without waiting any further i went inside exicited to see my family,.

But as i entered the house there was pindrop silence, not a single person in view not even the maids or other helpers, it was shushed no sound. I felt dread in my stomach.

"Hee.................llo Family am back " i shouted in the hope that anyone would come and greet me or something, but no answer, so i went towards the kithen but it was empty, 'Am in a parallel universe or something' i mutter to myself, now get it is Nathan and Ethan playng prank on me?.

" Ha ha Gotcha Nauty Eaty come out you got me, now enough you scared me now come on guys come out of hiding, mom dadda Pleaseeee guys" i whispered the last part buut no no1 answered.

There is only one place they can hide if not in kitchen, it have to be backyard garden, so i went towards the backdoor, but as opened it, there was Dark outside and its somewhat creepy too, am not fan of dark, What if a Boogey man is there so i took a step back and was about to close the door but a Spot light was thrown on me, which made me close my eyes, and i cursed that person who put that on me, and sweared whoever is there am going to kill him. This is not the time, so i moved further, it guided me towards the Patio.

 This is not the time, so i moved further, it guided me towards the Patio

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