Chapter 56. Rekindle 🍁

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The moment I woke up, my throat was like I had intake so much of sand in one day. It was like I can't able utter a single syllable, I want some water, there is no one present in my room. I searched for the water in my sleeping position, I tried to sat up, but this simple task felt like I was lifting a whole load of weight or something. Somehow I managed myself in to seating position and thanks the Almighty above us. But the main task is to bring my throat in smooth position for  which I need some water, and viola I found one the Water Jar is like a tap in the deserted area. I try to move myself but as I stoodup slowly I lost my balance and by default my hand came in contact with the glass kept on the side table and it obviously landed on the floor with crash sound. the moment I steadied myself, door to my room burst open and I saw my Bro Nathan, which made me to release a sigh of relief.

"" I called him which was my failed attempt, I felt the excruciating pain in my throat. I tried to walk towards him I don't have any idea why I or my legs moved as they attempt to do so Haha another blunder I lost my footing and  was about to kiss the floor, but lucky me Nathan and another set of hands steadied me and made me seat on bed.

Nathan went out and came back with a glass full of water I took it and drank half of the glass instantly, which I felt soothing and relaxing, I was confused why am I so much disoriented. I looked towards Nathan for an answer, but he was giving me concerned glances. I felt a presence from my peripheral vision, so slowly looked towards the person standing on my right side. The moment my eyes caught sight of this person, my breathing hitched all the memories which my brain was forgotten came back like a speeding truck towards me and I was stunned, confused, sad, and I struggled to breath.Tears rolled down on my cheeks.

"Izzy calm down sweetie, everything is good, no one will bother you. " Nathan said

I looked towards Liam, watching him this close my heart ached for him, I wanted him to be mine, I want him to tell me that past few days which I experienced were a nightmare, and the real him is not married to Monica, he is not happy with Monica, he won't find single bit of happiness kissing her. And.... more over Mr. Hamilton was not did what he did that day, and my outburst was just fragment of my imagination, Please Liam tell me this and I will belive it please. Instead he seat on his knees and said.

" I am sorry, isabella I don't have any inkling what you have been through I was being selfish these past few days, and forced you in something where you were not happy with, please forgive me and try to calm down. Take your time to relax...Please forgive me" saying this he stood up and turning around he walked towards the door, but I stopped him

"Don't leave me" turning around . he sighed and looked at me passing me his mind blasting smile which relieved me a bit.

"Am not leaving anywhere, not anymore I am going to recreate our relationship again, with a fresh start" I was confused, he has his wife in form of Monica

"I know what you are thinking, but I will explain everything but first up all you have to regain your health, you look so pal princess..." the way he called me my heart swell with loads of emotions and I can't hold back I literally jumped on him and hugged him tightly as if my life depended on it. The moment I hugged him he was stiff like rod, but when I relised he was not going to reciprocate my hug or affection, I felt disappointed, as if on cue I try to move back, he immediately tighten his hold on me, and engulfed me in his warm embrace and I felt like my soul came back, I felt alive after so long.... I burst into tears and my body shook so violently, that he tightened his hold on me saying that he is here with me. I sniffed him, literally sniffed him taking long breaths I was overwhelmed by his intoxicating smell which I was madly in love with.

I felt reborn again, and this te am not letting him go anywhere, no one will take him away from me... If fate decides too I will stood between it and fight for my love.

' I love You Liam, don't leave me, I won't survive it alone' I whispered to myself, but he able to understand it... He took long breath kissing my crown of head.

"I promise I won't let you down this time, I will make sure all the sadness all the evil stay away from you far way... I will make it up to you... whole my life Izzy stop crying it hurts watching like this."

"I.... "

"OH come on guys, let's have something to eat, Liam am heading out, bring braty along with you, afterall she is the one to eat sleep and repeat here."  Nathan said behind me. I smiled at his witty remark. Liam smiled looking at me.

"What do you want princess breakfast in bed? or will join us on table.Hmm?"

"Table with you both"....

" As you wish my lady" I giggled at him which earned me a full blown smile from Liam. He helped me  stand and support my disoriented balance and walked till table, my body was protesting to stay put, it's like each and every muscle is stiff.

He made me seat on the sofa comfortably by placing on pillow to support my back and carefully placed one pillow in my lap so that I don't have to bend towards the coffee table to have my breakfast,
Nathan passed 2 plates to Liam, Liam placed one on my lap cushion it was like watching a big great fusion of everything on this, I forgot to tell Nathan adapted cooking skills from mom, not him even dadda too. The breakfast consist of a plate full of Waffles, fresh grapes, strawberry offcourse,
a bowl of choco chips, sliced Banana cake. and small bowl of Nutella and peanut butter, and my favourite slices of tender coconut, and fresh orange juice. Three of us indulged into our breakfast.

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