Chapter 44. Life on Track 🍁

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Dadda guided me towards the couch, together we take seat next to each other. There was a silence a peaceful silence. He stroked my hair lovingly and I put my head on his shoulders. With sigh he relaxed himself. A while later he broke the silence.

" I was very angry with you Baby, " he paused I was about to look towards him but he hold me in place and continued " But.... it was.... past tense. The first time you attempted that stupid thing, I was at loss I felt like I failed you... I failed to protect you from that accident from that trauma you went through from that...... Heartbreak" I took shuddered breath. I took hold of his other hand which was on his knee. I squeezed it trying to convey that how sorry I was.

" Hmm... I understood you were mourning, but sweetheart taking decision to finish your own life, is not wise thing you know. " I just sighed and snuggled more into him I was stupid, mad myself.

" Anyway you came back to your senses Nathan told me about your last encounter with him. So I forgive and forget about it. So I had one news to share with you."

I eagerly waited him to say.... Something like Liam is Alive he is in Coma and all and he is all okay now and I can meet him. But silly thoughts halted when spoke again.

" Its about your Injury.... " he took long breath, hesitant I encouraged him to continue by squeezing his hand he continued.

" Its... its not any kind of damaged nerves.... these past 6 months me Danny and mike were trying to find anything on your condition. We approached countries finest Physicians, they said that your brain went into shock, which resulted in stress. And due to this traumatic condition you were unable to speak. Only solutions to your condition is you need to socialise again, start coming to office, try to strike some conversations, with me Nathan uncle Mike. It might trigger something and you never know you will able to speak again. " I just kept quiet not because I didn't trust Dad, but I don't trust myself.

"I know I can understand you are not ready to move on ..... Yet! but my darling princess just try to bring your life on track. For our sake, for your own sake. " on this point I looked towards Dad, he was right I have to bring myself together not for me but for them. I will not Move on from Liam ever in my life. But today at this moment I made a resolution I will bring smile on my face not for me but for my loving Family. I will devote my life for them hence forth I will live for them. They are my Source of happiness, I will try to get on with my life.

I smiled towards him, I nodded my head.

" AAA..... MMH... WHHHI.....TAAAHH...AAHHHH" these were my first attempt to speak, where I tried to to say 'I WILL TRY'. I don't know whether he understood or not but he smiled and kissed my forehead lovingly, Said

"My baby thank you, lots of love sweetheart"

Dad and me stayed like this for a while, our silence was broken by knock to dad cabin door, he straighten himself and with stern voice he asked the person on the other side of door to enter.

Door creaked open in came Nathan, followed by one more person by look of his he looked like a businessman of some sorts.

" Good afternoon Mr.Gilbert, " he greeted Dad, forwarded his hands for a handshake. They both sat, dad besides me and this new person sat chair opposite.

" Hello Ms. Isabella, "I was confused now how did he know about my name hmm? without greeting him instead I looked towards Dad, he patted my shoulder.

" Izzy, he is Mr.Oscar, he is..... Liam legal advisor, and.... he came to discuss some things with us... with you" Dad explained and Liam name brought back all the memories I had with him, my breathing hitched at his name. I closed my eyes and composed my self and faced Mr. Oscar and in a polite nod I acknowledged his previous greeting.

He cleared his throat and opened his briefcase, take out some documents.

" Ms Isabella, as your father here introduced me as Mr. Liam Blacks Legal Advisor, so I would like to inform you that there is something Mr. Black left behind for you. I was suppose to come long back to make you aware of this but due to your health conditions it delayed. So anyways I will get it out already. "
I was confused as hell what did Liam done what did he left behind, is there some sorts of letter for me. Indeed it was. Mr. Oscar gave me an envelope, I took it.

" That.... is a letter Liam asked me to give it to you, if anything happens to him...." He paused again and a single tear roll down my eyes.Dad was straighten himself and placing a firm hand around my shoulder he made me believe that he is there for me. I placed that Envelop aside so that I will read it later in the confined space of my room. Mr. Oscar cleared his throat again and continued

" Ms. Isabella I would like to inform you that, as Liam has no one in his life being his parents or any siblings, he has parted his property in 2 parts, one part goes to Mr. Nathan here, and other one is to you. " it will be a joke ..... Big Fat Joke. How could he do that....? !! he... he put me as his heir for his property. I cant control the dam which just exploded, Dad was there to hold me in his strong hold.

" Izzy I know how you feeling right now but it was his last wish, he wanted you to take over his company and take care of it. Sweetheart am not forcing you take your own time, mean while nathan will take care of it. Okay?" Dad was one to soothe me with his words, but I was beyond any listening. I cried all over again.

" Braty, don't worry we will come out of this together am with you always". Nathan said in his hoarse voice, it sound like he is trying to hold his sorrow, his sadness, I forgot not only me but he to had lost the only friend brother he grown-up with. I looked towards him, and surely his eyes were moist with un-shed tears. I breathed a long breath and for his sake I nodded. He smiled towards me and we both shared a silent promise that we will fulfill nathan wish together.

I promise you Nathan and Liam up there I will bring my life on track.....

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