1. The man.

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Diane's pov

I hummed along to a starlit band song as i headed for the events hall in our town. I wouldn't call it a big town, but it had the basics like a events hall for events, a library, a bar, a restaurant and some other stuffs.

The events hall was my safe haven only when it wasn't being used for an event and i was headed there that afternoon to do what i loved the most, dance.

I got there in record time and entered in through the back because i didn't want anybody seeing me and then coming to disturb me.

After shutting the door, i went further into the wide hall to grab a chair where i dropped my phone and earphones. I then grabbed another chair where i sat to catch my breath from the walk.

Some minutes later, i stood up to took off my sweater so as to be free in the sports bra i wore underneath, before picking up my phone to choose a song to dance to.

Yeah, i loved dancing and I'm going to use the next few hours or so to dance before i had to rush to the restaurant for my evening shift.

I chose a rock song by starlit band again because i love their songs as well as them and their songs gave a good beat to dance to.

The intro to the song started and i dropped the phone on the chair before starting to dance. I started off with moves that I knew best and had learnt from the few dance lessons i could attend.

Now that i was done with highschool, i planned on attending Everett's music and dance college, a prestigious college in New York and that's why I was working my ass off with shifts in other to gather money.

I've had some success with my savings and i wasn't relenting anytime soon. Though it wasn't an easy task since the school was pretty much expensive.

I moved on to some fast hip hop moves and let the peaceful feeling of dance move through me. It's a feeling that had become a part of me and each time i danced, i felt alive.

I danced on and on, changing the music at intervals and also taking some dance lessons online.

Hours later, i checked the time and felt my jaw drop in surprise. Did i really dance that long??, I asked myself.

Remembering that i had a shift in just less than an hour now, i hurriedly put on my sweater, picked up my phone and earphone before hurrying out of the hall.

Immediately i came out, i collided with a man who stood at the entrance and without looking to see who it was, i said my apologies and hurried away.

I ran all the way home, ignoring the stares from the few people on the road, they should have gotten used to it by now since i did this almost everyday.

I got home, entered into the house where i and my mum lived since we moved from New York to town ten years ago and ran straight to my room to get prepared for work.

I had a hurried shower to wash off the sweat from dancing and then wore my waitress attire of black skirt and white shirt. Mr Daniels, the owner of the restaurant where i worked liked to keep things professional and really hated lateness.

I just hope he wasn't waiting outside by the time I got to the restaurant. With that thought i went out of the house and ran the short walk to the restaurant.

As the restaurant came into view, i stopped running, straightened my cloth and patted my hair which i had pulled into a messy ponytail.

I then walked briskly to the restaurant where unfortunately, Mr Daniels waited for me. I winced inwardly at the lecture that i knew was coming,

"Miss Johansson, may I ask why you're late?" He asked once i got to him,

"Uhmmm, i....was uhmmm was doi-ng some th-ings" i stuttered in response,

"You see Miss Johansson, you are making this a habit and i would have to cut your salary the next time you this" he said and my head shot up at that,

I already had a hard time saving and a cut from my salary would make it harder, "I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again" i replied quickly,

"Go attend to table 5" he said without response to my apology and i sighed wistfully,

"Okay sir".

I went into the restaurant which was half filled and went straight into the kitchen where i picked an apron off the rack by the corner, while greeting the other workers,

"Late again" a familiar voice said behind me and i turned to see my friend Catlyn grinning at me,

She was wearing a similar attire to mine under her black apron but you could say hers fit her better,

"Yes. Mr Daniels even threatened to cut out of my salary" i replied,

"Well, cut the lateness too",

"Jeez, i expected better from you",

"Like what?, Confronting Mr Daniels as to why he is threatening to cut your salary when i very well know the reason?" She asked the grin spreading wider and i shook my head at her,

"You are not serious",

I picked up a card and pen which was arranged to the side and smoothened out my skirt again before going back into the restaurant and heading for table 5,

I got to the table and took in the man who sat there. He was without a partner which wasn't so surprising, but what was surprising is the fact that he was putting on a hoodie and a sunglass.

I mean who does that in a small town as ours and in a restaurant for that matter, it was really odd besides he looked familiar.

Pushing my thoughts to the back of my mind, i plastered a smile on my face, "good evening sir, anything i can get you?" I asked him and he raised his head up to look at me slowly, almost like he was studying me,

I shifted uncomfortably and cleared my throat after a few seconds, "sir?" I asked and he visibly startled,

"Uhmmm, I'll just take a glass of water" he finally answered and i nodded, eager to get out of his sight,

"Right away, sir" i replied and went back into the kitchen.

Catlyn was arranging a order on a tray and i went to meet her, "do you see that man over there?" I asked her pointing to table 5 and she nodded,

"He's giving me the creeps. He stared at me for more than a second when i went to take his order and he's wearing a hoodie in a restaurant????",

"Maybe that's his style of dressing and as for looking at you, just be careful as you go home" she replied and i nodded, mentally preparing myself for any fight that might happen before the end of the day.

I got the glass of water, placed it on a tray and went to serve him. He said his thanks and i went back to taking other orders, forgetting him momentarily as the restaurant got filled.

About two hours later, my shift was over and i cracked my neck tiredly as i dropped the apron on the rack. The restaurant was practically empty now and only few workers remained.

The mysterious guy had left sometime during the evening without ordering anything more and that made him more suspicions, but i pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind again.

"Catlyn I'm going, you ready" i called to Catlyn as i picked up my small bag,

"No, I'm helping Mr Daniels close up today. See you tomorrow",


I left the restaurant and started the walk home. The road was quite deserted and because it unnerved me, i put on my earphones and played a starlit band song.

The next thing I knew, a man or should I say the man from the restaurant appeared in my front and a scream released itself from my mouth.

Reacting quickly, i took my bag that was on my arm and swung it at his head, making his sunglass to fall on the floor and the face i saw had my jaw dropping to the floor.


And that's it, i hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you did, pls drop a vote and comments.

Also, who do you think the man is???

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