44. Explanation.

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Diane's pov

Fluttering my eyes open the next morning, I woke up to a pounding headache and an unfamiliar room. The room was quite similar to mine only that it was much more spacious and had a interior design that said expensive.

The walls were a light blue and a table stood to the side scattered with papers and books, "were am I ?" I asked myself but couldn't quite figure it out probably because of the headache disorienting my thoughts.

Standing up slowly from the bed, I went into the adjoined bathroom to wash my face and got the shock of my life..., My blonde wig was gone!.

Panicking, I ran back into the bedroom and saw what I had missed before, the blonde hair on the bed splayed in different directions, "my god!" I muttered covering my mouth.

Had he seen me like this?.., There was a high possiblity of that considering I had been with him last night and I wasn't in my apartment. God, why did I get drunk.

Checking through my pockets for my phone, I found it and dialed jade's number. She picked up on the third ring and immediately complained, "Diane, why the heck are you calling me this early?",

"Jade I think Ryan knows...",

"Knows what?",

"That I'm Kamilah and I'm Diane?",

"Wait?", I could hear her sitting up on her bed, "why do you say that?, How sure are you?",

"I'm not sure but I woke up this morning without a wig on my head and in an unfamiliar room I'm guessing is his",

"How does the room look like?",

"It's painted blue and there's a shelf with books and sheets, there's also a table with similar things.....",

"It's his room, God, how did this happen, I thought you wanted to tell him yourself after the date",

"Yeah I planned to but now.... I don't even know what to do",

"Okay uhm, get to your apartment, I'll meet you there",


I hung up and grabbed my wig and shoes before going out of the room. The rest of the house was quiet making me fidget but I continued going until I reached the sitting room. Then I knew it was his house, we had a party here about a month ago so I remembered.

"Argh!" I groaned beating myself up both inside and outside.

Thankfully he wasn't in so I went out the house and stopped a taxi that took me to my apartment.

We got to my apartment and I paid the fare before going in and taking the elevator up to my floor. On getting there, I entered my apartment and went about changing before Jade got here.

By the time she did, I had changed into slacks and had a cup of coffee in my hand to sooth the headache, "Jade" I said in greeting as she entered with Catlyn right behind her,


"Yeah... I called her and told her as three heads are better than two",

"Okay" I replied unable to laugh at her funny statement,

"Now tell us what happened from top to bottom",

And I did just that, telling them as much as I could remember considering the fact that I was drunk for the better part of the night,

"You sang a karaoke song?" Catlyn asked with a hint of a smile on her face after I was done and I sighed,

"Is that all you could pick from my story?",

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