23. The truth.

32 13 10

Diane's pov

It was Friday and I was expecting Jade at my apartment anytime from now. I was anxious as well as excited for numerous reasons, the party being the least one and I didn't know what to do so I paced around.

The most important thing I was anxious about was my sudden decision to tell Jade about being kamilah. I had thought a lot about it and decided it was best for her to know but I don't know what her reaction would be. We'll just have to find out.

A knock interrupted my thoughts and I hurried to the door to open it. Jade stood on the other side looking quite simple in shorts and a loose top and I became confused,

"Aren't we going to the party anymore?" I asked,

"Of course we are",

"Then why aren't you dressed",

"There is still about two hours before the party starts besides I thought we should doll you up before I get prepared",

"Hmm, thanks for the consideration",

"You're welcome".

"So are you going to let me in or what?" She asked out of the blue and I shifted to the side with a smile,

"I'm sorry about that",

"No problem, was just kidding".

"You have a nice apartment" she commented while looking around,


"Well, where is your closet?. It's about time we started on choosing an attire for you",

"Sure, follow my lead".

I led her into my bedroom and watched as she took it in appreciatively. My room may not be as feminine as hers but I kept it clean and maintained, not to forget the recent posters of starlit on my wall.

As if reading my mind, "these are some new posters?",

"Yeah, got them a week ago",

"Hmm, but why is Ryan picture more than the rest?" I could smell mischief in her voice but ignored it,

"Same question goes for you, why do you have a lot more pictures of Jason than the rest?",

"That's because I like him and if I'm to follow that line of thought, that means you like Ryan too",

"What no!, I didn't mean it like that",


She started towards my closet door but I held her back, "before we get started on that, I want to tell you something pretty important and shocking",

"What is that?" She replied, concern showing on her face,

"Let's sit down " I said and sat us down on the bed,

"What is it?, Is something wrong?" She asked again with a soft tone,

"Nothing's wrong, I just want to tell you a secret of mine that I want you to know,



"Okay, go on"

"Uhmmm, so...., nobody knows about this secret except my mum, a friend back in Greenville and Mr Jon" she became puzzled,

"You know Mr Jon?" She asked and I nodded,

"How is that?",

"That's because i'm Kamilah"

"Yeah that's your middle name......but how does that relate with you knowing Mr jon"

"I meant I'm Kamilah.......the band dancer",

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