22. College life.

42 17 15

Diane's pov

"So why didn't you want to tell Ryan that you're our best friend?" Jade asked the next morning as we walked down the college hallways,

    "It's not that I don't want to tell him, it's just that I'm trying to sort out some feelings",

     "Is this about the crush you had on him ten years ago" she asked and my eyes widened,

     "No!, It's not that. I just need sometime besides I want to tell him myself",

     "I respect your wishes. I just hope that he doesn't strangle me when he finds out that I knew all along",

    I chuckled, "he wouldn't besides what's with you and Jason",

   "I saw his pictures all over your bedroom. Do you by any chance have a crush on him?" I asked teasing but didn't expect her answer,

     "Yeah, ever since Ryan introduced me to the band",

     "Hmm, so does he have feelings for you too?",

     "I wouldn't sure, maybe, maybe not but I hope so",


    We fell silent after that and took a turn that would lead us to the Lecture room for English 101. It was already full by the time we got in but we still got a seat close to the middle.

    The band we're already seated so also Selene who was typing away on her phone. She however put it away when the lecturer walked in.

I listened attentively throughout the lecture but soon noticed Jade dozing beside me which for some reason made me laugh. She had never liked English even at a younger age.

    I turned my attention back to the teacher for the rest of the lecture and tapped Jade awake when it was over, "I'm sure you had quite a rest through the lecture" I teased and she smiled sleepily,

    "You bet".

    We grabbed our bags and walked out of the room before heading to other lectures and it was soon afternoon meaning dance lessons.

   We were continuing with hip-hop dance today and I was glad about it. I hopped on my feet as we walked to dance room and saw Jade smile which I returned but it cleared from my face when I collided with someone.

   We both tumbled to the floor with me landing on the person and I heard a groan underneath me. Shifting my weight, I raised my head to say sorry and got startled at who I saw,



    "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to",

    "I know but I would appreciate you getting your weight off my stomach" he said and heat rose to my cheeks.

   I scrambled to my feet and said another sorry while he got to his feet,

    "It's fine besides the band is hosting a party at my house on Friday if you would like to come" he said and Jade rushed forward from where she had been watching us,


     "Of course but don't tell anyone. We just want a small party",


     He smiled in my direction before walking away and I kicked myself inwardly at the embarrassment,

     "Why are you so flustered?" Jade suddenly asked and I put my hands on my cheeks,

     "I'm so embarrassed",

      "There's no need to be. Common let's go, we are already late for dance lessons" she said and we went up the stairs before entering into the dance room.

    It was already filled up and I immediately knew where Selene was as some group of people were surrounding her.

    We took our positions just as Mr West walked in and we greeted him which he reciprocated.

"As you all know, we would be learning a basic hip-hop dance today called popping and locking" he started and I gave him my full attention,

I knew the dance as it was a very basic dance and i'd picked some pieces of it in the few dance lessons i was able to attend before.

"This is a basic dance and it goes like this. The popping in this dance means pushing out your body in different ways and direction, like this" he explained while demonstrating,

"And then after you've popped, you lock it by then contracting those popped places in swift and distinct moves"

He demonstrated it a few more times before finally telling us to try it. I got it on my second try and was able to pop effectively, before locking it as he instructed and I felt satisfied with myself.

    I looked to where Selene was and saw that she already got it. Mr West nodded in her direction which made her smirk and I turned away with a snort. I concentrated on perfecting the dance moves and gave assistance to Jade as best as I could.

  She wasn't doing so well but she was trying and that's what mattered. I made a mental note to work on it more with her when we were alone.

   The dance lessons was over an hour later and we dispersed out of the dance room. We walked slowly towards the stairs among other students but got stopped by a voice,


     "Ugh!, Not her" Jade muttered to my hearing as we turned to face Selene,

     "What do you want?" Jade asked,

     "Chill out, no need to be hostile. I just need to confirm something" Selene replied and Jade sighed,

     "What's that?",

     "I heard there's going to be a party at Ryan's house, is that true?",

     "I don't think you should ask me, ask him" she said and pointed at Ryan who was just walking in our direction.

    Before Ryan could react, Jade grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs and into the hallway, "let him deal with her" she said and I chuckled.

    "So are you going to Ryan's party?" Jade asked as we entered her car few moments later,

    "Uhm I don't know. I've never attended a party before",

    "That's not a problem, I'll be there and I'll put you through",

     "Okay then",

     "Cool, so how about I pick you at your apartment on that day",

      "Okay. You could help in picking out an outfit",

      "I would love that",

      "It's a deal then",


     We smiled at each other as she started the car and drove out of the college gates.

"Why my house?" I asked,

"Nothing but if you're not comfortable with it, we could meet at my house" she replied and I shook my head quickly,

"No, uhmm, it's fine. My house it is then" I said and we got in Jade's car before she drove out of the college gates.


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