25. Drunk.......

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Diane's pov

Ryan stood at a corner of the big sitting room that had been set into a party looking handsome and sexy. Though i couldn't see what he was wearing due to the dancing crowd, I could see his face and it was to die for.

His blonde hair was spiked up and he had on a small earring that glinted in the lights. His deep blue eyes were fastened on mine and I couldn't find the willpower to look away from them.

   I however found it when he straightened up and started walking in my direction. It's not that I wouldn't like to talk to him or be around him but I knew I would be blushing throughout and that will be weird to him.

    With that thought, I looked around frantically for a place to duck into and sighted the open kitchen door.

   Glancing back once more to see him still coming, I hurried into the kitchen and closed the door. I leaned against it with a sigh and took in the kitchen. It was a beautiful sight to behold with it's beautiful cabinet and stainless counter, everything was looking clean.

   There was a tray full of plastic cups on the counter and I went towards it to see it filled with white liquid that looked like water. So without thinking, I grabbed one and drained it's contents into my mouth.

    It was when the taste hit my tongue that I knew it wasn't water but it was too late to spit it out, so I swallowed it while wincing. I dropped the cup on the tray and was leaning against the counter when the door suddenly opened.

       Turning my head sharply, I watched as Ryan walked in while leaving the door open, "you came?"

     "Uhmm yeah, Jade kinda talked me into it",

     "I can imagine that" he said and I smiled.

Now that I could see the rest of him, he looked even more handsome in a ripped jean, white top that was transparent enough to show off his abs and some sneakers.

He was holding a plastic cup which he dropped now on the counter beside the tray and went to the fridge, "would you like a drink?" He asked,

   "Yeah....I guess",


He brought out some bottles with different liquid colour, mixed them together and brought it to me, "here"

    "Thanks" I said and collected the cup from him. The liquid was bright yellow and i sniffed at the liquid suspiciously before bringing it to my lips,

The liquid hit my taste buds and the next thing I knew, I was spitting it out with a scrunched up face which made him laugh out loud

I turned to him with a glare, "what was that?",

"Just a mixture of vodka, variety of juices and soda",

"It tastes bitter" I commented and he chuckled loudly,

"Yeah, it does but haven't you drank before?" He asked and I squirmed inwardly,

"Well, you could say that" I answered moments later and I saw him nodding his head absently which suddenly made me angry,

What are you nodding your head for?" I asked him, some of my unreasonable anger lacing the question,

"It's explainable that you haven't drank before since you have that naive look surrounding you like an aura" he answered ignoring the tone of my question and I scoffed.

The last thing I wanted was him thinking I was naive so without thinking again, I brought the cup to my lips and poured it's contents down my throat in one gulp.

I winced at the after taste and glanced at Ryan to see him looking at me with an eyebrow raised, so I straightened my back and looked fully at him, "I ain't so naive now, am I?",

"Well, that was unexpected" he replied and turned his gaze away from mine.

Now that I had drank whatever the hell he mixed up, I started feeling light-headed and carefree. Shaking my head, I tried to get the tipsiness out of my head when a lady staggered in with her head down.

She looked drunk but sexy in an outfit of jean bumshorts and a pink tank top, coupled with pink heels and a lot of jewelries and I wondered who she was.

   I got my answer when she suddenly raised her head up and a drunk Selene faced us. A glance at Ryan told me that he wasn't too happy about this and I chuckled within myself.

I watched as she staggered her way to where Ryan stood. The three inches heels she wore wasn't helping her balance at all and that made her stance wobbly.

"Ba-by darl-ing, i've bee-n loo-king for y-ou" she drawled out upon getting to him and I started feeling jealous. I could never have the courage to call him baby and here she was calling him that.

She came even closer to him and raised her lips to his for a kiss but Ryan thankfully brought up his hand to prevent her mouth from contacting his. If she had succeeded in kissing him, I wouldn't have hesitated in dragging her hair out.

She laughed wildly and her mood suddenly changed, " how could you not like me, you idiot?" She yelled out punching her hands on his chest and making me wince but she got no reaction from Ryan.

He just stood there looking at her and finally brought up his hand to stop her assault on his chest, "who invited you to the party?" He asked her,

"That's not the question I asked you" she yelled again,

"Okay then, but you're making a nuisance here" he said and held her by the arms before dragging her out of the kitchen with her arms and legs flailing.

I saw him hand her over to Mason before coming back into the kitchen and he shut the door behind him to block out the music.

That music was the only thing that had stopped the whole party from hearing Selene's yells but I was still grateful to have it shut out to some extent.

He went back to his position of leaning on the cabinet that was on the other side of the kitchen and I stood away from my side of the cabinet to drop the cup when I felt myself sway.

Ryan obviously saw it as he asked, "are you okay?",

"I guess so, I mean who wouldn't sway after a cup of mixed alcohol" I asked laughing stupidly and he raised an eyebrow,

"I don't sway after a cup of alcohol",

"You don't have to be smug about it" I said, my mood suddenly changing,


I got to the counter and dropped the cup before turning to face Ryan and got surprised when he blurred.

The drink was definitely messing with my brain and vision. I moved to where he stood unconsciously to inspect my discovery and on getting to him, his face became a little clearer but had doubled.

"Are you okay?" He asked again as I rubbed my eyes and I nodded,

I looked at him again and saw him clearly before he doubled again and for some reason, that made me laugh.

I felt him take hold of my shoulders to shake me, "you shouldn't have taken the drink, if you knew you couldn't handle it" he muttered under his breath but I heard.

So I stopped laughing and pushed away his hands from my shoulder. "I can take as many drinks as I want" I argued before going to the counter to prove my point.

He seemed to understand what I wanted to do and grabbed the remnants of the drink he had mixed before I could and I protested loudly.

He held it away from me at arms length and I struggled against him to grab the drink until we fell to the ground, the drink pouring on us.

I laughed again at that but stopped as I sighted his lips. They looked full and inviting and without thinking, I placed my lips on his seconds before I passed out.


Okay guys, that was hectic. Writing a drunk scene when I haven't gotten drunk before is pretty hard, but i hope you enjoyed the chapter anyways?
Pls, make my day with a vote and comments ❣️.

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