30. Hanging out.

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Ryan's pov

I was a very happy guy for so many reasons but the most important one being that i found my best friend.

My female best friend from years ago and was i happy, i was freaking happy.

I had been right after all that she looked like Diane, not knowing she was Diane herself and you could have imagined my surprise, when I knew that my sister knew all along.

Anyways, things were good now and I was looking forward to our outing today, after lectures.

We had agreed to have a fun time, more like a reunion at a park we used to visit as kids with our parents.

All those times that we played about and teased each other was ever green in my memory and meeting her once again was a very good thing.

    Unknowingly, thoughts of kamilah and the kiss we shared suddenly crept into my memory and I found myself relieving that experience.

   It was an experience I wouldn't be forgetting in a long while and I seriously can't wait to kiss her again or just feel her in my arms.......

"Jeez, you've really zoned out, haven't you?" Ace's voice cut through my thoughts and I turned to face him,


"We are having lectures now, so let's head to class"

"Oh!, okay".

   We both left the music room for our first lecture and found the lecture room full on getting there. We immediately sat in the middle row where Jason and Mason were already seated.

   "Where were you guys?" Jason asked,

    "We were waiting for you guys in the music room"

    "That's true, we forgot that we were to meet you there" Mason said while I waved at Diane on the row beside us. She waved back shyly while Jade rolled her eyes and i rolled mine back at her.

    I however had to face the front when the lecturer walked in and English 101 classes started.


    Later that afternoon after lectures and music lessons, I walked out of the college building and headed to where Jade and Diane waited beside Jade's car,

"Hey ladies!" I said in greeting and they smiled before hugging me one after the other while i hugged them back,

"Ready for Funtime" Jade said cheerfully and i nodded before entering into my car, while they entered Jade's.

I saw my band mates get into each of their cars and guessed they were on their way to the studio. Maybe I'll join them later.

I followed Jade's car out of the college gates and we drove to the park which was about thirty minutes or so away.

I put on some music as i drove and sang along to wake up by Avicii. Upon getting to the park, i put on a hoodie and nose mask in order to reduce fan's attention before getting down from the car.

   I then joined Jade and Diane where they waited for me.

We had our Funtime by playing different games and trying different things. We also teased each other as we always did and I felt a whole lot satisfied.

    We however were about going on a ferry ride when i heard Jason's voice and I whirled around to the direction it came from.

   Jade heard it too and turned in the same direction I was now facing. I watched as he came to our side and upon getting to us, he smiled sheepishly at the glare I gave him, "what are you doing here?" I asked him,

    "Uhmm, I just wanted to relax a little and thought this would be a good place to do that" he replied averting his eyes and i could just hear the lie rolling off his statement,

    "Really?" I said but before I could say more, Jade hurried to Jason's side and looked up at him cutely, "let's go on a ferry ride",

    He nodded in agreement and they hurried off before I could say anything or react.

    I turned to see Diane looking after them with a wide smile on her face, "why are you smiling?" I asked,

    "I just think they would make a great couple",


    I felt rather than saw her turn her gaze on me, "Hmm, why do I have the feeling that you don't want them together?",

    "It's not that I don't want them together, it's just that Jason is a Playboy and I don't want Jade's heart to be broken",

    "Yeah, I understand that but I think Jason likes her too much to break her heart and Jade's grown up enough to make her decisions",

    "Whatever. You sound like a mom",

     She laughed at that, "Well, i'm going to become that one day. Anyways, let's go for a ferry ride" she said and I let her drag me to where the tickets were being bought.

    We had a nice time on the ride and I enjoyed the squeals and screams of Diane as the wheel rolled us around, it was fun.

    About an hour later, we agreed that we had gotten a good fun time and that it was time to go home, so I watched as Jason got in his car and blew Jade a kiss.

    I was guessing that the rest of my band mates knew of Jason's plan to come to the park too but I would follow Diane's advice and give them a chance together.

   I waved at Jade and Diane as they got into Jade's car and i got into mine. I put away the nose mask before starting the engine of my beloved sports car and driving off.

    I hit the road and my mind drifted about until it landed on the thoughts of what I would do the next time I saw Kamilah.

    I didn't really know what she felt about us together but I knew she liked me and I have feelings for her too. We'll just have to see where this leads us.

    My mind drifted again and some minutes later, I entered into the estate where I lived and drove into my gates.

   I parked in the garage and locked the door of the car before going into the house.

   I had something to do before i crashed into Dreamland and that was in my room, so without turning the lights on, I went straight up to my room and turned on the lights there before going to the shelf attached to the side of the wall in my room.

   It was filled with my music records and sheets and I looked through them until I found what I was looking for.

It was the song I wrote for Diane ten years ago and i think it was time to take serious actions on releasing it.


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