45. Sorted out.

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   Ryan's pov

      I felt myself smiling uncontrollably as I walked out of Diane's apartment building that morning. It felt so good, getting all the bitterness and unsuredness out of my head and my heart now feeling light and assured.

   Hearing her voice out her doubts and concerns about my feelings for her had made me kiss her and I was happy I did cause I had missed her so much.

   Yeah, it had been only a few hours but those hours had been torture for me wondering if all this had been a lie or not, it wasn't and I felt relieved at that.

    Picking up my phone immediately I got into my car, I dialed a number I normally didn't, "what do you want?" Selene's voice filled the line immediately she picked up,

   "Let's meet up",

   "And why would you want that, I thought you hated me and didn't want to set eyes on me again",

    "Yeah that still stands but this time, I think you should hear me out for your own good. Donnakins at ten",

    I cut the call, started the car and immediately drove to the fast food restaurant where I had first met Selene for the first time. That was pretty cliche but it was true. Mr Jon had introduced her to the band there when she had first arrived in new York.

    She had risen up the ladder quickly as her dance was good but her obsession over me had pissed me off, cutting off our pretty close friendship.


   "What do you want?" Selene asked minutes later upon arriving at the restaurant and I looked up at her. For someone who acted nonchalantly, she had really taken her time to dress. She was putting on a white top, short black skirt and long black coat coupled with black boots,

    "I didn't say we were going out, why are you this dressed up?",

    "Cause I wanted to, now let's get to the point. I'm sure you wouldn't want people taking photos of us together in a restaurant, talking, what would that mean..., A scand...."

    "Okay sit down", I really didn't want to get into her long talks,

     She sat down and I sat up, placing my hands on the table, "have you posted the photos of Kamilah you have?",

   "Why, do you want me to post them?",

    "No, I'm just asking",

    "Okay, so what do you want?",

    "I want you to delete them and leave the matter alone",

     Giving a short sarcastic laugh, she asked, "what do you mean?",

    "I mean you should delete them and never talk about them again",

    "And why would I do that?"

     "Cause if you don't, I'll tell the media your secret",

     The smirk dropped off her face instantly and I sighed. I really didn't want to do it but I knew that was the only chance of saving Diane's career as a dancer,

    "You wouldn't dare!"

    "You wouldn't want to try me",

    We kept quiet, staring each other down to see who will give up first and she did, tears glistening her eyes,

     "I can't believe you'll do this to me...",

     "I really don't want to",

     "Fine, I'll delete the pictures",

   And taking out her phone, she did just that, tears falling down her cheek. The tears weren't for losing her blackmail, I knew it, it was for my betrayal, cause that's what it was. Me threatening to expose her secret was just cruel but that was the only card I had and I had played it.

    Tucking back her phone into her pocket, she stood up "happy now?, I hope your relationship with her doesn't work!",

    And with that, she leaves the restaurant heartbroken. Ruffling my hair as I slid my hand through it, I kinda regretted my action but she'll get over it. I'm sure she'll meet somebody who'll love and cherish her like I do Diane or should I say Kamilah, I smiled at the thought.

    I paid for the drink I had ordered while waiting for selene and walked out, thankful that the people inside the restaurant hadn't taken pictures or videos.

    I got in my car and drove to the studio where we were to have the final recording of my new song. I was excited about it and now that things were clear and precise, I was even more happy about it.

     I parked properly on getting there and went in to see everyone around. Everyone including Mr Jon,

    "I can see everything is alright now considering the smile on your face" Mason comments on my entering and my smile grew wider as I gave them side hugs,

    "Yeah sort of",

     "Am I missing something?" Mr Jon asked where he sat and Jason faced him,

     "Ryan crashed at our place yesterday instead of at his place right after his date with Kamilah. Then come this morning, he left the house like it was on fire and has now come back with a smile on his face, what do you think happened?",

    "Yeah, I have no idea" he says answering his own question and we all laughed,

    "Come on guys let's get to work and Ryan..",


    "See me after the recording",

    We all got to work and finished up hours later, the audio part done and uploaded and us exhausted,

    "I have to go home now or I'll fall asleep here" ace says standing up and Jason smirks,

    "Aren't you going to see Catlyn?" He says making ace fluster and we all laughed except Mr Jon of course, he didn't know what was going on,

    "No... I'm just uhn going to rest my weary body",

    "Yeah right, have a nice rest",

    Ace leaves still flustered at being caught at his own game and we laughed at him. It was so nice seeing that he had found someone to love. Leaving a few minutes later, I made sure to see Mr Jon as we had planned,

   "So I'm guessing you know kamilah's secret now?",

    "Yeah.. but how do you know that I know?",

    "She called to tell me, said that though she hadn't made the wise decision of telling you first, everything was good",

    "Yeah, everything is fine",

    "That's good to hear",

    We both smiled and left the studio.
     Heading straight for my house, I parked in the garage on getting there and walked into my house where I had felt reluctant to come to just yesterday. Now, I walked into my bedroom smiling at the bed that was still ruffled and looked slept in, I made a mental note to sleep on it like that.

    Changing into indoor wears, I laid down on the bed and dialed my sister's number,

   "What's up?",

    "I need your help with something, probably Catlyn's help too"


      I hope you enjoyed it?. If you did, drop a vote and comments, thank you🥰.

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