21. Brownie sundae.

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Ryan's pov

    As I sat on a couch in the sitting room, I couldn't help but think that they were hiding something from me. It had been so obvious that Jade wanted to say something else and then her friend Diane interrupted, but I would let it go. I wasn't ready to get involved in girl talk, fights or arguments.

     "So what dessert are you making?" I asked and Jade faced me forcing on a cheerful smile,

    "Brownie sundae",

    "That sounds delicious",

     "Yeah and your mouth could prove useful in rating it for me",

     "It is glad to be of use".

     "Yes and so should your body too because you're not going to sit around while we do all the work",

     "Okay ma".

     I stood up and followed them into the kitchen where Jade handed aprons to us before putting on her own.

    "Let's get started" Jade announced.

     We brought out bowls, turning sticks and ingredients for the brownies which Jade had gotten some days ago and placed it on the counter.

    I then watched as my sis mixed measured quantities of flour, sugar, cocoa powder and some other ingredients I couldn't keep stock of into a bowl before mixing.

The dry mixture soon turned brown and she added chocolate chips, eggs, oil and vanilla before passing it to me to mix. I started on it as best as I could and got good results.

Diane brought out a baking pan after I was done and poured the ingredients into it while my sis smoothened it out. She then poured some mini chocolate chips on the batter before placing it in the already heated oven.

    "I'll be back soon" Jade said after setting the timer and we nodded before she left, leaving me and her friend in the kitchen.

     I leaned against the counter and faced her, "so how did you and Jade meet?",

     "At the auditions for freshmen" she replied without looking at me and I wondered why. We fell silent after that as I didn't know what to say and my mind went back to our meeting in the male restroom.

    I had asked for her name and immediately she told me, I had figured out why she looked so familiar. She looked so much like my best friend from ten years back with her black shining hair and grey eyes and I actually thought she was the one.

    But there were a lot of people with black hair and grey eyes in this world and I wasn't sure I would recognize her after ten years but I really hopes to see her one day.

     Jade entered into the kitchen again, "where did you go to?",

     "My room",


    A ding soon sounded in the kitchen indicating that the brownies were ready and a smile appeared on my face at the thought of eating brownies. I watched as diane put on a mitten and brought out the brownie which to my delight, was looking delicious.

We left it to cool for awhile before cutting it into smaller sizes and setting it out. Jade then brought out some ice cream which she scooped on top of three cut out brownies before pouring some chocolate syrup over it, "and there it is" she announced excitedly,

Without waiting for an invitation or permission to taste, I took a spoon and took a bite which catapulted me to heaven. The taste was sweet and heavenly and by the time I opened my eyes, I could see similar looks of delight on Diane and Jade's face.

I finished my brownie sundae and said my thanks to both of them before hurrying out of the house and to the studio, but not before Jade had packed some brownies for the band.

I arrived at the studio in no time and greeted them before handing over the brownies to them, which they dug into almost immediately.

We finished the brownie. Yes we, because I joined them in eating the brownies and we went back to why we were gathered, which is our new song.

We were planning to release a new song soon and I played the song I had written to them. It was a song I wrote for my friend from years back and it meant a lot to me. I wanted to release it now in reminder of her and hoped she heard it wherever she was.

"So, how is it?" I asked them when I finished singing the song,

"It's beautiful and I love it" Jason answered quickly, as he always does,

"Good then, we would work on it and release it soon. We could make it an album though" I suggested,

"Yeah, that would be nice too" Ace said this time around while the twins nodded in agreement.

"I would inform Mr Jon and the producer of the new song" I said and we stood up to go when Jason stopped us with his next statement,

"How about we throw a party?, just for the fun of it?" He asked,

"Well, that wouldn't be bad after all the stress of the last song we released" I replied after some moments of silence,

"But whose house would we hold the party in?" I asked already knowing the answer,

"Yours" they chorused and I sighed,

"But why mine?",

"Because, you have the biggest house of us all and you have it to yourself" Mason said,

"Ugh!, Whatever" I groaned and we got up to go.

We left the studio and I headed to my house with a belly full of brownies and with thoughts full of a particular dancer.


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