10. Meeting Selene.

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    Diane's pov

        We used the whole week in filming the music video and it had been fun just as much as it had been stressful.

       It had also been a week of telling myself that I couldn't get attracted to Ryan, but that was hard when he managed to look hot in whatever he wore and don't even get me started on when he went shirtless.

     I rolled out of bed that morning, breathing in the sea air that came from my open window and headed straight for the bathroom where I got ready for the day.

   I dressed up in a simple attire of shorts and a tank top with a pair of slippers and made sure to change my look before going out of my room and downstairs.

     I found Jade in the sitting room, pressing away on her phone and decided to surprise her a little. Going behind her back, I brought my mouth close to her ear and screamed, "aahh!!!".

     She literarily jumped up from the chair with her eyes wide open and a scream of her own about to escape her mouth,

     "Jeez, you scared me!!?" She accused immediately she saw me laughing my eyes out,

      "Oh my god!, Your expression was....." And that was how far i got before I started laughing again,

     "It's not funny, what if I had a heart attack" Jade said, sitting back on the couch she had hurriedly exited earlier,

     "That's not likely, since you have a strong heart" I replied and went round the couch to sit beside her,

      "Whatever. Besides, I have a favor to ask you",

       "What is it?",

       "Could you help me get somethings at the grocery store. We are running low on food and we need to get somethings",

       "Uhmm sure but I don't know how to drive a car",

       "Hmm, we could......"

     She got interrupted in her next statement by Ryan coming into the sitting room. He was looking hot in shorts and a white shirt that was opened enough to see the beginnings of a nice chest.

     Arghh, stop thinking in that direction already, will you.

      "Ryan, could you please drive Kamilah to the grocery store?" Jade asked bringing me out of my thoughts and I froze, my eyes going wide, what did she just say????.

     "Uh!" Ryan said, surprise evident in his voice and my head jerked in his direction just in time to meet his eyes,

    He immediately looked away and nodded in Jade's direction while shuffling his feet "okay" he said and went out.

     Turning on Jade with a glare in full force, "Why did you do that?!" I asked,

     "What did I do?" She returned and I fumed,

     "Why did you ask Ryan to drive me?",

     "You said you didn't know how to drive, so I thought he could help",

      "But I thought you would be the one to drive me instead",

      "No, I want to do something and that's why I asked you to help me in the first place",

       "And if I may ask, what is this thing you want to do?" I asked,

    "Uhmm, I w-want to uhmm.....I'm going somewhere with Jason" she replied while averting her eyes and I just knew she was lying,

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