41. The date.

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Diane's pov

Deciding to ignore Selene's threat and just tell Ryan about my little secret after the date, I walked into the gates of starlit studio that Saturday afternoon. I couldn't quite shake off the feeling of anxiousness at seeing them again as kamilah after the scandalous news and I had no idea what their reaction would be to me dating their best friend.

But to be candid, I was more his best friend than they were and I really don't need their permission to date him but after these months as friends with them, this was a whole new uhmm, how should I put this.... scenario.

Sighing at my rambling thoughts, I tucked back the strands of the blonde wig that had managed to escape the ponytail at the middle of my head and walked into the studio. I immediately sighted Ryan on entering in before taking in the positions of the other members.

They all sat sprawled on couches in the room while going through their phones and I cleared my throat, "good day everyone".

They all looked up at my statement and smiled at me, "hey Kamilah" they chorused. Ryan whose smile was exceptionally blinding waved me over and patted the space beside him on the couch, "come sit here".

Walking over to the couch, I couldn't help the blush that spread across my cheeks as I felt their whole eyes on me. He wasn't even being subtle about the fact that we were a thing even though there was nothing subtle about it anymore.

Anyways I sat down and face everyone with a bright smile until he plants a kiss on my cheek making me gasp, "Ryan!" I mutter-yell and he grins,

"I miss doing that",

Huffing, I turn away again and blush at the sly grins on the other members faces, "it's nice to see him this happy.. I actually thought he will die a bachelor" Jason says,

"I've left that position to our dear Mason there" he replies making us all chuckle while Mason just smiles, opening his mouth to reply,

However, the coming in of Mr Jon into the main room stops any further bantering and you greet the elder man, "Kamilah, you're around" he replies,

"Yeah, arrived a few minutes ago",

"Okay, I guess we could get started then",

"Yeah sure",

"Not without me though" a familiar voice says and you look up to see Jade coming out of the inner rooms,

"Jade you're here!" I said in surprise because I wasn't expecting to see her here,

"Yup, I thought I'll use the opportunity to see my dearest man over there" she said pointing to Jason who replies with a smile,

"Okay everyone, let's get to the business of today" Mr Jon says interrupting further conversations and getting all our attention,

"So we'll be recording the audio today and I want you Kamilah, to come up with dance steps so that everything will go smoothly during the music video filming during the holidays",

"Okay sir",

"Come with me" he states and leads us into one of the inner rooms which happened to be a recording room. There, we spent the next few hours making the audio music of their new song and I was glad to be part of the process even though it doesn't really concerns me.


Coming out of the studio later that evening, we said our goodbyes to each other and watched as they got into each of their cars. I and Ryan are the last to get into his car cause of our date and we wave goodbye to Mr Jon.

Giving me his full attention on settling in the driver's seat, he sighed, "I missed seeing you during this week, how were things over at your place?, Did the paparazzi disturb you much?",

"Not really. I love a quiet life there so I didn't really get any disturbance". It was quite true right, since I live a quiet life as Diane.

Nodding his head, he starts up the car and begins the drive to our date. I had no idea where that would be since we hadn't agreed on a place but I'm sure he'll choose a good place.

We made small talk an laughed as he drove until he drove into a street I couldn't quite place. It seemed bubbly though with people going about their businesses and he soon stops in front of a brightly lit place named Winnie's. The large billboard sign out front spelt it out clearly, the neons lights around it making it sparkly.

"This is beautiful" I commented as he parked properly and he nods quite nervously,


After making sure that the car was not in the way of others, we both got down from the car and made out way into the...,

"Karaoke bar!" I say out loud with awe,

"I hope you like it, I just thought that it would be nice and simple for our first date but if you don't like it, we could.....",

Turning around abruptly, I grabbed his face between my hands and said, "I love it and I mean it". Giving him a kiss on the cheek, His worried face immediately morphed into a bright smile, "are you sure?",

"Hmm hmm".

It was a really nice place that looked simple yet elegant. It was a kind of place where I didn't need to act all elegant and classy but could actually be myself and you were happy with his choice.

Walking over to the bar counter, I find myself moving my body to the current karaoke going on by a young lady about my age. She seemed quite tipsy but still managed to rock the song she was singing,

"You like this place uh!" Ryan said noticing your wiggling body and you nod excitedly,


You both settle down on stools at the counter and face the bartender, "two cocktails please",

"Mixed or pure?",

Turning to face Ryan, I ask, "what does he mean by that?",

"He means with alcohol or not?",

"Oh!, With alcohol I guess",

"Same for me too".

The bartender gets to work behind the counter and I focus on the new lady that was singing the karaoke to one of my favorite songs, 99 problems by Jay Z,

"Her voice is so good" I comment with a sigh at how melodious her voice sounded,

"Yeah but not as good as yours",

"Oh, don't be so confident about that, my voice sounds like a screeching car",

Chuckling he says, "I don't believe that",

"You had better do",

    Signalling the readiness of our drinks, the bartender interrupts our bantering and hands over each glass to us before facing his next customer. We take a sip of our drinks each while rocking to the various karaoke songs sang.


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