12. College.

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   Diane's pov

      I took a deep breath of excitement before stepping into the gates of Everett's music and dance college. I was trying really hard to contain the excitement of finally attending the college of my dreams but I was failing miserably.

     I took in the college students milling around in different attires of ballet dresses, ripped jeans and fashion tops, while some carried around instruments ranging from a guitar to a saxophone and so on.

     Moving through them, I approached a female student in a tank top and baggy trousers to ask for directions, "hello" I greeted,

     She turned to look at me, "hello",

      "I'm a new student and would like to know the way to the administrative office?",

      "Sure, walk into the left wing of the building and take a right, you would see a stairs, climb it and enter the first door on your right" she directed and I said my thanks,

     I followed her directions and soon found myself in front of the door. I knocked and a female voice told me to come,

     I walked in and saw a woman behind a desk in a smart business suit. She was typing away on the laptop in front of her and didn't look up even after I entered.

     Still not looking at me, she pointed to the seat in front of her and I sat down. About three minutes later, she finally looked up at me,

     "Sorry for the delay, how may I help you?" She asked,

     "I'm aspiring to enter this college and I'm here for the auditions",

     "Really, did you apply for it?"

     "Yes, about two days ago"

     "Okay, which department are you auditioning for?" She asked as she began typing on the laptop again,


      "Okay, I've seen your application" she said looking back up at me,

      "Once you leave this office, go back down the stairs, take a left and go straight to the last door, that's the auditions room" she said and I stood up,

     "Thank you ma"

     With that I left the office and followed the directions till I got to the said door. I stood in front of it for a moment and was taking a deep breath when.....,

      "Nervous to go in, uh!" A voice said,

     I turned to find out who owned the voice and felt my jaws slack and my eyes widen, this couldn't be happening,

     I kept staring at Jade expecting her to recognize me or say something but she just kept looking at me, "uhmm, you could say that" I finally responded when she didn't say anything,

     I looked away from her quickly and pushed open the doors to find a lot of students in the large room. You could say a hundred students and they all looked professional and good.

     There was a set place for the auditioning and a particular male was doing his audition. He was dancing and was really good at it, the way he did the breaks and moved his body, he looked like a pro.

     I took a position among the students who hadn't auditioned and continued with watching the guy. I actually started feeling a little inferior by the time he finished, he sure was better than me.

     "Next is Diane Johansson" one of the judges called out after a few more auditions from different people and I felt my heart jump against my chest.

     Standing up, I walked stiffly to the audition space and couldn't help but feel all eyes on me, waiting to see what I could do.

     One of the judges hit a large boombox to the side and the music started playing. Funny enough it was the new music of the starlit band.

    I felt my spirits lift up because I could totally rock this dance and with that thought I started dancing.

     I followed the dance routine of the song video but not all of them. I also added some of my natural moves and within time, I blocked out all the eyes staring at me and focused on the dance and music playing.

     By the time I finished, the claps and hoots filled the room. I glanced at Jade who didn't know who I really was and saw her clapping too and I felt so happy.

      I walked away from the audition space just as they called Jade's name, "next is Jade Anderson",

     She reached the stage just as i reached the audience and I watched as she took off her jacket to reveal a ballet dress under.

     "She's a dancer!" I screamed in my thoughts just as a slow music started playing and I watched with slacking jaws as she moved gracefully around the audition space.

     She raised her arms, moved her body from side to side, did a split, and rolled around. She did them expertly and I saw that moment when she lost herself in the dance as well as music. Her pace increased and she danced even more gracefully.

      My eyes were glued to her to the end of her performance and when she finished, I clapped along with others.

     She walked away from the stage while putting on her jacket and came to my side.

      "That was good" I said to her and she looked at me,

      "Thanks, your dance was great too and I hope we can be friends because......." She said and came closer to whisper,

     "I don't know shit about hip-hop dance and it is compulsory to learn it. We could help each other, you know" she continued and I giggled,

     "Yeah, we could help each other" I said still giggling. Even with a different identity that she doesn't know about, I still enjoyed her company and she still was funny.

     The auditions soon finished and one of the judges stepped out, "well done, all of you. You have done really well and we now know your abilities, strengths and weaknesses"

     "A schedule would be given to each of you upon payment of fees and you are to follow them strictly. Normal college subjects and lectures would go on for half the day and then the other half would be for your music and dance lectures" she continued,

     The woman continued on ethics and a bunch of other things before dismissing us.

     We all went out of the room and headed in different directions. I personally wanted a tour of the college I would be schooling in, so I headed in the direction of the lecture rooms.

    Jade was beside me in an instant, "where are you going to?" She asked,

    "Uhmm, I want to see round the college" I replied,

    "Me too" she said and I nodded.

     We moved through the whole college, from the lecture rooms to the music rooms and the dance rooms before finally seeing ourselves to the dorms.

      "Wow, the dorm is big and spacious" I commented and jade made a sigh beside me,

     "Yeah, would you be staying here?" She asked,

     "No...., I uh...have an apartment a little far from here...., what of you?"

     "No, my house is closeby too"


     After getting a fill of the dorms, we went back to the college's main building and was moving through the halls, when a lady squealed,

    "It's the starlit band!" She announced and like that, she gained the attention of everyone including me,

    I turned in the direction of the lady and felt myself go stiff when I saw the band I danced for just weeks ago walk through the crowd.


    And there's another chapter, I hope you enjoyed it?, Pls, don't forget to vote and comment 😜.

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