17. Falling slowly.

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Diane's pov

   I rolled out of bed the next morning feeling a little refreshed. The concert of yesterday had been fun and interesting and I had gained quite some fans.

   I had been so amazed by the amount of crowd and fans that had attended the concert, but maybe it was because I had never been to one of their concerts. I've only ever watched it online and it couldn't compare to being there live.

    I dragged myself to the bathroom to get ready for the day and took my time. There was no hurry today as the concert was in the evening, so I could indulge myself.

    I used the tub in the hotel instead of the shower while playing some loud music and my mind unconsciously strayed to Ryan.

    He had given his all at the concert yesterday and that just made me more attracted even though I told myself repeatedly that I shouldn't.

     Sighing, I stepped out of the tub and wrapped a towel round my hair and body before going back into the bedroom.

   I moved towards my luggage which I hadn't bothered to unpack and searched through till I came up with an attire of pink flowery skirt and a white button down shirt that looked like it wanted to come off my shoulders.

   I put on my favourite nude coloured shoes and sat in front of the dresser to change my look. I applied the flattening cream to my hair and fixed the wig before pulling it into a messy ponytail to look casual.

   Moving on to my face, I applied the makeup materials that changed my look. The foundation, mascara, concealer and a whole bunch of other materials.

    I soon finished and smiled satisfactorily at myself through the mirror, I definitely looked good.

   I stood up, picked up my nude coloured bag before going out of the hotel room.  I made sure to lock the door and took the elevator to the ground floor, where I nodded at my growing fans.

   I was about reaching the door that would take me outside when a young teenage girl about my age came to my front, "hello, my name is cara and I really love your dance" she said, making me smile,

    "Awn, I'm so happy you do",

     "Could you please autograph this for me?" She asked and my mind went blank,

    I had never given an autograph before and didn't even know how to go about it. I nodded a little unsure of what to write and got more confused when she brought forward the backpack she was carrying,

   I looked at her with a question in my eyes and she said, "I want to autograph the bag",

   "Oh?" I said and took the pink coloured marker she presented.

   I racked my brain on what to do and decided to just write Kamilah which was what I did. I wrote it stylishly and got satisfied with the outcome.

   I could see the excitement on the girl's face as she said her thanks and I nodded before walking out the door.

   I sighted a familiar car I knew both as Kamilah and Diane and moved towards it.

   "You're late" Jade complained immediately I got into the car and I turned to face her. She was dressed in a blue flowery gown that reached to her knees and she sure rocked the attire.

      "I'm sorry, a fan asked me for an autograph" I replied and she sighed,

    "You're gathering quite a lot of fans already" she commented and I smiled,

   "I guess so",

    I settled in the seat as she started the car and drove away from the hotel. We had decided to have some fun time today and I was so geared up for it.

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