24. The party.

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Diane's pov

Aunt Melanie's eyes widened at Jade's question and her hand went to her mouth, "is she really Diane?" She asked like she hadn't just suggested it and the smile widened on my face,

"Yes!" Jade answered excitedly

Aunt Melanie turned back to face me with an awed expression "good evening Aunt Melanie" I greeted and her eyes turned glassy,

"Oh my God, come here" she said and stretched her arms out for a hug which I willingly went into. It felt so good to relax in the warm and motherly hug I had known and gotten used to back then.

The sweet fragrance of her perfume, her hand that always patted my hair and her mouth that said lovely endearments to me, I missed them all.

We stayed in that position for some time, with Aunt Melanie squeezing the breath out of me, and I didn't complain, couldn't complain as I understood her reaction.

We finally drew back from the hug and she sat me down beside her, bombarding me with questions, "how are you?, How have you been doing?, What of Trina?" and so many other question in that line,

"I've been doing good and mom is fine, she's still in Greenville" I replied her questions,

"I'm so happy to hear that. What brought you to New York?" she asked and I glanced at Jade where she stood watching our drama,

"I'm a student of Everett's college which Jade attends",

"Wow, see how fate brought you guys together again"


   "I'm sure you girls are up to something and I wouldn't want to waste your time but could you give me Trina's number?"

    "Sure" I said to her and brought out my phone. I searched for my mom's number and called it out for her before she shooed us out of the sitting room playfully,

   "You guys have fun, I have a friend to call" she said and I smiled. My mum would be so thrilled to hear from her best friend again and I wouldn't spoil it by telling her about it.

   I followed Jade up the stairs and into her bedroom where I laid on the bed. I watched as Jade went straight to her closet and started going through it,

"She was very happy to see you" she commented and I nodded,

"Yeah and I missed her too. I was going to ask about her but never got to it",

"It's okay, you guys have seen each other now and I'm sure she's going to spend all night talking to a certain someone",

   "That's so true" I said while laughing

    "What do you think about this?" She asked and brought up an attire. It was a white jumpsuit that reached the middle of her thighs and white heels,

    "They look beautiful.....go out them on"

     "I'll be right back"

     She went into her bathroom and came out minutes later looking gorgeous in the attire, "you look beautiful"


     "Let's get going then, we have only about thirty minutes more"

    "True but I haven't done my makeup yet",


     She sat down and did her makeup which made her all the more sexier. I just pity the eyes of men especially Jason's cause a sexy queen was on the way.

     She put on a pair of earrings and necklace before we were able to leave the room and go downstairs. Aunt Melanie looked up and was quite surprised,

    "Wow, you girls going to a party?"

    "Yeah, at Ryan's house" Jade replied,

    "Okay, have fun"


We went out of the house and got into Jade's car before she drove out of the gates and then the estate. It was already dark by this time and I fought off nervousness all the way to the party which only got worse when we arrived there.

The street was filled with cars and people and I could hear the music booming from Ryan's house,

    "I thought he said it was a small party?" I asked Jade and she shrugged,

    "Yeah but maybe they changed their plans"

    I leaned back in my seat and was having second thoughts when she parked behind a car, "okay, let's go" she said and got out.

   I followed after sometime and we went into the gates if Ryan's house which was open. The front porch and surroundings were filled with people and plastic cups. Half drunk, fully drunk and smooching couples all around and I felt sweat on my palm.

Jade however looked like she belonged here and had done this before, so I made a decision to stick to her side throughout our stay here.

We were headed towards the door by now and the music got louder with each step, making me wonder if the neighbors didn't complain or get disturbed.

The thoughts however flew out of my head when Jade opened the door and I felt my jaw slacken. The amount of people outside couldn't even compare to the amount inside.

College students danced and bodies slicked around making me want to coil into myself but I followed Jade inside and closed the door.

I looked around and saw a lot of familiar faces, mostly from the college and some unknown faces that I guessed were fans who had heard of the party Ryan was holding.

The news had actually spread like wildfire and I was sure that that was the cause of the large turnout of people who were mostly ladies.

My eyes landed on Jason who was standing at a corner with a plastic cup in his hand and about five ladies surrounding him, each trying to gain his attention and I felt Jade tense up beside me.

Before I could react or say anything, she was headed in their direction and I watched as she got to them, put on a fake smile and pulled Jason out of their midst, making me laugh.

   She wasn't even trying to hide the fact that she liked Jason and that was good because I had a feeling that Jason likes her too. I mean he always listens to her attentively, smiles at her and even humours her, it definitely meant something.

    Still smiling, I looked away from them and took in the dancing bodies. It moved in sync with the rock song playing and I felt myself relax a little.

   That was however short lived when my eyes landed on a pair of blue one across the room.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter?

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