27. Good news.

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Diane's pov

I woke up the next morning to the shrill ringing of a phone and a pounding headache. It felt as if my brains were being crushed together and the ringing of the phone didn't help.

I fished around me on the bed with my eyes closed, looking for my phone and found it not too far from me on the bed.

I then picked the call and heard the cheerful voice of my mum on the other line, "hello darling",

"Good morning mom",

"It isn't much of a morning anymore, but how are you doing?",

"I'm good, you?",

"Good too. Melanie gave me a call" she said happiness evident in her voice,

"That's good, I hope you guys caught up on each other's lives?",

"Yeah, we did a lot of that and i'm so happy you found them. I was hoping you would",

"Yeah, I was hoping so too and you could imagine my surprise when I found out that they were beside me all along",

"I could just imagine. Anyways, I called to tell you an important news" she said,

"What's that?",

"Well, after the call from Melanie yesterday, I realised how much I miss New York and being near my best friend",


"Besides that, I miss having you around so i made a decision to move back to New York",

  My eyes popped open and I sat up straight on the bed, the sheets and duvet tumbling round my legs,

"What did you say?" I asked and heard her chuckle,

"I said I would be moving to New York as soon as possible",

"Oh my God!, you don't mean it",

"I do"

I squealed at the finality in her tone and did a little jump with my buttocks on the bed. I had always wanted to suggest it to her since I moved to new York but I hadn't been sure if she was ready to face the memories. I didn't know that all it needed was a call from her best friend.

"Diane....." Her voice cut through my happy thoughts,

"I'm sorry, what did you say?",

"I just said I'll call you when I arrive in New York, probably next week",

"Okay, I'll be glad to have you here",

"Me too".

We hung up after talking some more and i sighed happily. The headache I had however forgotten due to the good news my mom shared came around now and I felt myself wincing.

I looked down at myself to see an unfamiliar pyjamas on me and I was still wondering why I had it on when.....,

The door to the room opened and Jade walked in. She was in a pyjamas similar to mine and I became confused, "why are you here?",

"Do you mean why am I in my room?" She asked and I looked around to find out that I was truly in her room,

"How did I end up here?"

"You'll have to figure it out yourself but I'll give you some clue like party, alcohol and passed out". I got confused until it dawned on me,

"You mean I got drunk?",

"You could say that",

"Wow........I've never gotten drunk before. No wonder the headache",

"Yeah but how did one drink get you drunk?",

   "I had two actually"

   "But Ryan said he made you one"

    "Yeah, he wasn't there when I took the first one"

    "That explains it"

I stood up from the bed and winced again at the intensified headache, "is there anything I can take to stop the headache?" I asked Jade,

"Well coffee could help, but you would still have to deal with titbits of the headache",

"That's better",

"Okay then, let's go to the kitchen. I make a mean coffee",

"I'm sure of that".

I followed her out of the room, down the stairs and into the kitchen and we saw Aunt Melanie there drinking a glass of water.

She was dressed in grey slacks and I was surprised at how well they fit her,

"Diane, I can see you had a really good time yesterday" Aunt Melanie said,

"You could say that",

"Yeah, good enough to have gotten drunk" she further said and I found myself blushing out of embarrassment,

"I didn't plan to get drunk",

"It's fine, just be careful next time",

"Okay, thanks Aunt Melanie" I responded just before she walked out of the kitchen.

I faced Jade who had been watching us with interest, "why didn't you just take me to my apartment?",

"I didn't know where your key was and I didn't expect my mum to stay up in the sitting room making a call to Aunt Trina",

"Ugh!, Whatever".

I settled down on a stool and watched Jade bring out the coffee maker to make her mean coffee.

Few minutes later, her mean coffee was steaming up from the mug set in front of me and I picked it up to drink. I had to say it tasted good and it ebbed some of the headache,

"Why don't we do something fun today?" Jade said interrupting my train of thoughts,

  "Yeah like what?",

  "Maybe Netflix and junks"

   "That sounds good cause I don't feel like going out",

   "Me too"

   "It's a plan then"

    We finished our coffees and went into the sitting room where we argued on the film to watch. We finally agreed on the vampire diaries and sat down to watch but not before we got the junks.

   There was a whole lot of them ranging from popcorn to ice cream to chocolates and a lot more.

   I picked up a bowl of ice cream as the film started and Jade did the same. Soon, we were engrossed in the film and didn't notice the entrance of Aunt Melanie,

   "Girls I'm going out",

   We looked up at the same time as she moved to the door and I totally loved her dressing. It was a black straight down with matching heels and silver jewelries.

    "You look beautiful" I commented and she beamed at me,

    "Thank you love"

    "Is it an event" Jade asked and Aunt Melanie nodded,

    "A wedding to be precise"

    "Okay, have a nice time"

     "And you too"

    She left and we went back to watching the intriguing film. We were about five episodes gone when I stood up to use the toilet,

    "I'll be back" I announced and Jade nodded not even looking up at me. So I went to the toilet upstairs and eased myself.

    I was washing my hand in the basin when I suddenly saw in the mirror that my locket was missing. I immediately panicked,

"Where the hell is my locket?".


I hope you enjoyed this chapter??

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