Chapter Twenty - Three > Liars

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From far, they could see Natalia's body shaking and they can sense a dark aura around her

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From far, they could see Natalia's body shaking and they can sense a dark aura around her. They know that this will happen the moment Kol told them that Natalia is invited to the ball and they thought they are ready to face her wrath but the truth is, they didn't because right now they feel fear of losing her and not be able to earn forgiveness from her.

They know that they are the one that should be blame for what is about to happen as they are the one who decide to keep it a secret from Natalia who Esther truly is. The day that Natalia mention seeing their mother in her dreams, they know that they need to tell her that Esther is their mother but at that time the fear of her leaving them is bigger then anything.

But today, they are about to face that fear again because Natalia value honesty more then anything. She despise secrets and lies, especially if it come from the people that she care the most. They have seen how Natalia react to betrayal before and to even think that this time they are the one that is going to face that wrath, anger and disappointment from her is beyond imagine.

"Natalia. We could explain." Rebekah said as they all approach her, except for Finn because he could care less about Natalia. He has only spend a few years with her and through that time they are not able to bond like she did with the rest of his siblings besides, this is exactly what he and his mother has planned. Natalia being mad and disappointed with them will make their job easier as she will not help them after what they have done.

"How could you? After all these years, after everything that I have told you about her, after everything that she has done to me, how could you lie to me?" Natalia said without turning to look at them and without them noticing, both Esther and Finn is currently looking at them through the window from Esther's bedroom and she uses a spell to make her being able to hear their conversation.

"Natalia, please. Let us explain." Elijah said and Natalia stop shaking when she hear what he said. She tries to reason with herself. Maybe this is all a misunderstanding and maybe there is something that she didn't know, so she take a deep breath and clear her mind.

"Okay fine. Lets hear it." Natalia said before she turns around with red and puffy eyes. Seeing her face and the look in her eyes, breaks their heart. They thought that they are prepared with this but seeing the look in her eyes, change the whole situation. Now, they are no longer confident that she will listen to them.

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