Chapter Thirty > The Gilbert Ring

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Once again, Natalia wake up with darkness surrounding her and she feels nothing but coldness and numbness in her heart

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Once again, Natalia wake up with darkness surrounding her and she feels nothing but coldness and numbness in her heart. She tries to look for something but there is nothing there. No matter how hard she tries to look, she still couldn't find anything. After awhile of searching, she could hear voices, whispers to be exact. She couldn't make out what it is at first but her whole body soon start to tremble when the whispers starts to become louder.

"Klaus will pay for everything he has done." The voice said.

"A - born - will be his doomed. Nothing could stop it." The voice said but Natalia couldn't make out what the voice said at the beginning but the word doomed scares her more then anything.

"What will be born?" Natalia ask but instead of answering her question, the voice said something else.

"More secrets will be unveil. More heart will breaks. The time has come for you to do what is right and repent on your sins." The voice said and as soon as she said that, the place become silent again.

"What secrets? What will be born?" Natalia ask but she is only greeted with silence. She then saw a light on her left. A very small light that getting bigger really fast before it went through her.

Natalia let out a painful gasp when she wakes up. Her eyes went wide open as she sit on the bed, holding her hands to her head. She can feel her head throbbing and sending an intense amount of pain through her whole body. She then turn to her left when she feels a movement and her eyes went wide again when she see who is sleeping beside her. It was Stefan and he seem to be sleeping peacefully. Natalia remember agreeing to accompany Stefan last night but she didn't remember sleeping in his room because her plan was to go back to her room when Stefan has fallen asleep and seeing how she wakes up in his room, on his bed means things didn't go the way she plan.

Natalia still remember Elena and her promise that she will not take Stefan away from her, but on the same time, she cant leave him alone. Especially not after what happen last night. She is mad and disappointed with Elena after her talk with her last night but that doesn't mean she will take Stefan away from her. She will never do that. She is not a bitch that will go around and take someone else boyfriend from them eventhough Elena has cheat on Stefan with Damon.

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