Chapter Eight - Bonfire

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"Why are you wearing a dress?" Caroline ask as Natalia walk towards them and Caroline's question makes both Elena and Bonnie turn around to look at her

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"Why are you wearing a dress?" Caroline ask as Natalia walk towards them and Caroline's question makes both Elena and Bonnie turn around to look at her.

"Don't get me started. Its Damon's idea." Natalia said with annoyance in her voice. She cant believe she lose to Damon which result in her has to fulfill his weird wish. When Damon said the loser will grant a wish to the winner she never in a million years ever thought that the wish will be him choosing what she will wear.

"You can just say no to him. You're stronger than him." Elena said and Natalia can tell she didn't like the idea of her wearing a dress while luring Stefan away from the bonfire. Natalia know that Elena is still isn't fully into these whole idea of Natalia being the lure but Natalia already ask Elena about this countless time and her answer is always the same, that she is okay.

"Did he have something on you Nat?" Bonnie ask and they all look at her. Bonnie's question makes Natalia feel less annoyed with Elena.

"Kinda but that's not the whole point here. Elena, I know you didn't like Damon's idea using me to lure Stefan, I get that, but I'm not the one you should spit your anger at." Natalia said before she walk away from them to grab a beer. She doesn't know why Elena has to be scared of her being the one to lure Stefan. Its not like she know about the kiss because no one else know. Only her and Stefan know about it.

"Seriously Elena. Choose one. You cant have both." Natalia hear Caroline's words towards Elena as she walk away from them.

She know Elena has trouble choosing who truly she love and Natalia wont judge her about that because she also has trouble figuring that one out too but that doesn't mean that Elena should be acting the way she act. She is stringing them both along without making a choice as she doesn't want to lose either of them. Elena is being selfish and in the end she is going to hurt everyone including herself.

"Natalia, hi." Stefan said when he sees Natalia grabbing a drink but Natalia only let out a heavy sigh. She know that it is her job in luring Stefan but she didn't know that she has to start right after the short conversation she had with Elena.

"What are you doing?" Stefan ask as he walk closer to her who is ignoring him but he doesn't care. Since he turn his humanity switch off, he finally realize his true feelings and he has no problem showing for it now.

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