Chapter Fourteen - A Mysterious Coffin

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As soon as Natalia woke up, she went straight to Mystique Grill and devour all of her sorrow with food

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As soon as Natalia woke up, she went straight to Mystique Grill and devour all of her sorrow with food. She keep blaming herself for being stupid. She know Alaric is fine but it still doesn't mean that she didn't feel guilty. She should have just cancel the date with Klaus and spend her time listening to their fighting rather than be with Klaus and cause her more heartbreaks.

"Someone seem moody." Matt said as he take a sit in front of her.

"Aren't you supposed to be working Matt?" Natalia ask with a bored voice as Matt clean up her plates, slowly.

"I'm, can't you see." Matt said and Natalia ignore him. She didn't care about his jokes or whatever it is that he is trying to achieve by talking to her this morning.

"Okay. Not working." Matt said and Natalia raise her head to look at him.

"What is it Matt? Whatever you want, say it fast. I'm not in the mood." Natalia said with a bored voice as she drink down a glass of whiskey and pour herself another one.

"I just need to know why my friend is all gloomy and day drinking like Damon and Alaric. Are you trying to get drunk?" Matt ask as he grab the bottle of whiskey from Natalia when she try to drink it all.

"Hey, that's mine." Natalia said but Matt ignore her glare as he look at her with calmness.

"What's wrong Nat?" Matt ask with a calm voice and Natalia could feel her eyes start to water when she hear how soft and concern his voice sound like.

"Nothing." Natalia said and Matt let out a sigh.

"Is this because of what happen with Ric and Jer?" Matt ask but Natalia didn't answer him. She just lean on her chair and slump deeper into it with a sad face.

"You know its not your fault right? Even Tyler isn't acting like you did." Matt said and Natalia let out a sigh when she hear what he said. Of course Tyler isn't feeling as guilty as she is. He is sired to Klaus which make him not having a choice to decide on his own but Natalia is different. She has the choice and she is free to make it without any problem but she choose the wrong one.

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