Chapter Twenty - Six > Tribrid

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Natalia can tell from the look on Esther's face that she feels nervous and worried with what she just said and that makes her feel good

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Natalia can tell from the look on Esther's face that she feels nervous and worried with what she just said and that makes her feel good. Seeing Esther trying really hard to keep a poker face despite her fears and worries truly makes Natalia wants to laugh but she keep it inside her. Esther thinks that she has the upper hand in this ritual but she is wrong. Esther didn't know that Natalia has two ways to make her plan go down the drain.

Natalia takes a deep breath as she feels her bone starts to crack again. She cast a quick spell and takes another deep breath. She knows that she didn't have much time because whatever it is happening to her seems to start getting stronger and hard to resist with the full moon slowly reaching its apex. She closes her eyes and take a deep breath and opens them. She made her eyes turn red and dark veins appear around her eyes.

"Dear Bennett witches! For more than 500 years I have protected your bloodline from any harm. Just the way I promise. But today, you threatened to kill my family and I cant let you do that. I'm sorry, but I have to break our deal." Natalia said as she take a step towards the circle.

She stand just two step away from the circle that is made out of salt. After Natalia said that, they all start to hear voices. There are too many of them and none of them can truly catch what the voices are saying but they all can tell from the tone of the voices, they are not happy with what she just said. Klaus step closer towards Natalia to stand behind her. Making sure that he can protect her from any harm that could possibly happen.

"Natalia." A figure said from inside the circle. That figure is standing next to Esther and all of their eyes and attention went to that figure. The Mikaelson and Natalia, except for Finn and Esther didn't know who that figure is but it is Avery. The Mikaelson and Natalia remembers her very well as she is the Bennett with that save Natalia's life by sacrificing herself. She is the witch that help to keep the darkness in Natalia hidden.

"Avery." Natalia said with a calm voice. She knows why Avery is here. The ancestors must have sent her to appear in front of them and talk to her, to persuade her in doing things their way but Natalia will never exchange her family with anything.

"A deal is a deal. You cant break it." Avery said trying to persuade Natalia and make her realize that there is no way out of this but they thought wrong about her. She will protect her family with her own life.

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