Chapter Twenty - Two > The Secret

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"Hey there sister

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"Hey there sister." Kol said when he see Natalia walking towards him at the central square.

"Hey there brother. You are early." Natalia said as they both hug each other in a tight hug.

They both miss each other a lot and haven't seen each other since the day Klaus and Elijah decide to dagger him. Kol is a very easy going guy and he love to have fun. As a vampire that is certainly something that will worry them. He has cost trouble everywhere they go and he is the hardest Mikaelson to control. In fact, controlling and handling Klaus is a lot easier then handling Kol.

"I heard someone miss me." Kol said with a mischievous smile on his face.

Natalia look at him with a wide smile on her face. She do agree that she does miss him but there are more then just one reason why she wants to see him today just a few hours before the Mikaelson's ball. Since Stefan, Damon and Elena didn't allow her to go to the ball which is really weird because the three of them really insisting on not letting her go. She sense something is off with them and the ball, so she will find out about it herself because none of them want to tell her the reason.

"And who is that crazy woman?" Natalia said with a smirk on her face and Kol shake his head with a wide smile on his face.

"Sarcastically adorable. As always." Kol said as he give his arm for her to intertwine and they both start walking out from the Central Square.

"So. Tell me. What have you been up too? I heard that you left my evil, demonic brother and live a happy free life and found someone to replace my roll as your one and only little brother after Daniel of course." Kol said with a wide smile on his face and Natalia shake her head with the way Kol says Klaus name and shows how he is actually jealous with him being replace. She can tell from the nicknames that he give Klaus, Kol is still mad at his brother for putting a dagger through his chest.

"I see that you are still mad at him and no. I don't replace you with anyone. You are by far my most favourite." Natalia said but Kol still isn't satisfied with her answer.

"Me or that little Gilbert. Choose." Kol ask and Natalia didn't expect him to ask her that question but it didn't take her that long to answer that question.

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